Nelson Mullins – Gold Dome Report – Legislative Day 36

Nelson Mullins – Gold Dome Report – Legislative Day 36

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Nelson Mullins – Gold Dome Report – Legislative Day 36

House Education Committee – Policy Subcommittee

The Policy Subcommittee of the House Education Committee, chaired by Representative Scott Hilton (R-Peachtree Corners), met Monday to consider one measure:

  • SB 233, authored by Senator Greg Dolezal (R-Cumming), is the “Georgia Promise Scholarship Act.” The bill amends Title 20 to provide for the establishment of promise scholarship accounts to be funded by the state in the amount of $6,000.00 per school year for each participating student.

Dolezal presented the bill alongside Jamie Lord, who represents the Georgia Center for Opportunity and is promoting the legislation.

Nelson Mullins – Gold Dome Report – Legislative Day 36

Georgia school voucher bill stays alive after heated Senate debate

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Georgia school voucher bill stays alive after heated Senate debate

A school voucher bill is one of many that survived Monday’s legislative deadline where pieces of legislation have to pass at least one chamber in order to stay alive for Georgia’ 2023 legislative session. After some intense debate on the Senate floor, Senate Bill 233 sailed through in a 33-23 vote.

School closures during the pandemic added fuel to the school choice movement. In Georgia, enrollment in charter schools and homeschooling have grown since the Covid-19 pandemic. Georgia Center for Opportunity, a nonpartisan policy research organization, said SB 233 will expand school choice options.

“Parents across the country are demanding more educational options in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic,” GCO’s vice president of public policy Buzz Brockway said in a news release. “Now is not the time for more lip-service or half-hearted efforts to help students reverse learning loss.”

Nelson Mullins – Gold Dome Report – Legislative Day 36

Georgia Senate passes bill to create state-funded education savings accounts

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Georgia Senate passes bill to create state-funded education savings accounts

The Georgia Senate passed legislation to create state-funded education savings accounts.

Under Senate Bill 233, the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act, taxpayers would fund $6,000 per student per school year. Families could use the money to defray “qualified” education costs, such as private school tuition.

“Parents across the country are demanding more educational options in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Buzz Brockway, vice president of public policy for the Georgia Center for Opportunity, said in a statement. “Now is not the time for more lip-service or half-hearted efforts to help students reverse learning loss. Georgia families need more opportunities and they need them now.

Nelson Mullins – Gold Dome Report – Legislative Day 36

‘School choice’ legislation is sweeping the nation. Here are the states where it’s been introduced

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‘School choice’ legislation is sweeping the nation. Here are the states where it’s been introduced

This year, there has been a spate of bills introduced around the country that would expand school choice programs following Arizona’s passage of universal school choice last year. 
Last week, Georgia’s Senate Education Committee voted to pass education savings account legislation that would provide $6,000 for students to use every school year for tuition or other education-related costs, according to The Center Square.

Senate Bill 233 passed by a 6-5 vote last week. School choice advocates and critics were vocal about the effects that the bill could have on the state’s education system.

“Public education is the right choice for most families, but for a growing minority of students, an alternative is what’s best,” Buzz Brockway, vice president of public policy for the Georgia Center for Opportunity, said in a statement according to The Center Square. “We can, and should, support all options.”

“We must fund our public schools first and not continue to take resources away from our children whose only chance at a public education is in our public schools,” Lisa Morgan, a kindergarten teacher and Georgia Association of Educators president, told the committee. “Their only chance for an education is in our public schools.”

Nelson Mullins – Gold Dome Report – Legislative Day 36

Georgia Senate committee advances education savings accounts bill

In The News

Georgia Senate committee advances education savings accounts bill

The Senate Education Committee voted to advance legislation creating state-funded education savings accounts.

The committee voted 6-5 Tuesday afternoon in favor of Senate Bill 233, the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act.

“Too many times, education access in Georgia is limited to families of means, but every child deserves access to a quality education,” Buzz Brockway, vice president of public policy for the Georgia Center for Opportunity, said in a statement. “Promise Scholarships would help create this opportunity.”

“Public education is the right choice for most families, but for a growing minority of students, an alternative is what’s best,” Brockway added. “We can, and should, support all options.”

Senate Bill 233, The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act, passed the Senate Education Committee

Senate Bill 233, The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act, passed the Senate Education Committee

Education media statement header

Senate Bill 233, The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act, passed the Senate Education Committee


Senate Bill 233, The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act, passed the Senate Education Committee today in a 6-5 vote. Funded by the state in the amount of $6,000 per student for each school year, Promise Scholarships would allow families to find the right fit for their students’ education. Scholarships could be used on any approved education expense, such as private school tuition, tutoring, homeschool curriculum, virtual classes, college classes, therapies (for kids with special needs), technology, and more.

Georgia Center for Opportunity’s (GCO) take: “Too many times, education access in Georgia is limited to families of means, but every child deserves access to a quality education. Promise Scholarships would help create this opportunity,” said Buzz Brockway, vice president of public policy for GCO. “Public education is the right choice for most families, but for a growing minority of students, an alternative is what’s best. We can, and should, support all options.” 

March 2023 Update on SB 233, The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act: 

  • Georgia Senators passed Senate Bill 233 after a floor vote on February 26, 2023. The bill must pass the House of Representatives before the end of March 2023 to receive the Governor’s signature and become law.
  • The bill was amended by the Senate to limit eligibility to students in the bottom-performing quartile of public schools (F-graded schools and some D-graded schools), based on the Georgia Department of Education’s evaluation. 
  • Funded by the state in the amount of $6,000 per student for each school year, Promise Scholarships would allow parents of students in failing schools to seek out a better education option for their kids. 
  • While the most effective education savings account programs are universal (open to every public school student), the Promise Scholarship Act is an important and positive step toward shaping an education system that gives every Georgia kid better access to quality education. 


Have more questions about SB 233? Check out our full explainer on The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act.


“Public education is the right choice for most families, but for a growing minority of students, an alternative is what’s best. We can, and should, support all options.”

“Public education is the right choice for most families, but for a growing minority of students, an alternative is what’s best. We can, and should, support all options.”