Resilience and Equity | Saporta Report

Resilience and Equity | Saporta Report
The challenges of the last two year have impacted all of us. From social injustices to racial inequality and COVID, our communities are suffering. We have also seen great acts of heroism with our front-line workers who have continued to serve our communities. A common thread that has emerged is the power of resilience. At Families First, we believe that resilience is the foundation of building strong communities…
We recognize the cycles of poverty are not broken by one program or service alone, so we offer a combination of services and supports with community partners, virtual services and locations throughout the state of Georgia. This holistic, comprehensive, results-driven approach results in awareness of the barriers to prevent families from achieving success and social equity, partnerships with community leaders to reduce barriers and increase advocacy for change and baseline assessment of the family to determine each member’s unique needs, care plan, check in timelines, and aftercare plan to measure improvement. Working with partners like the Westside Future Fund, Georgia Center for Opportunity, The Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia, Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce, Goodwill of North Georgia, Raising Expectations and more, Families First is helping our families create a personalized approach to take their families from surviving to thriving.