Insights and presentations on issues that impact the lives of those in poverty

President & CEO
Randy Hicks
GCO Founder and CEO and an inspirational voice on empowering the safety net and civil society to create better pathways out of poverty and into opportunity.
Subject Matter Expertise:
Non-Profit and Community Leadership
The Value & Importance of Work
The Role of Civil Society in Addressing Poverty
Creating Better Poverty Policy
The Importance & Role of Family

Vice President of Family
Joyce Mayberry
Certified Family Life Educator on the impact of family on community.
Subject Matter Expertise:
The Value & Importance of Family
How Family & Relationships Impact the Poor
Creating Social & Emotional Health in Our Kids

Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives
Josh Crawford
Lawyer and expert on state and city-level solutions to address the interconnected cycles of violent crime and poverty.
Subject Matter Expertise:
Reforming Criminal Justice at a City-Level
Re-Entry Solutions
Curbing Juvenile Violence
Crime Reduction in Cities and States
Expanding Upward Mobility by Addressing Crime

Vice President of Public Policy
Buzz Brockway
Former Georgia Legislator and current expert on policy impact on poverty in Georiga.
Subject Matter Expertise:
The Georgia Political Landscape
Educational Choice
Creating Better Poverty Policy in the States

Chief Program Officer & General Counsel
Eric Cochling
Lawyer, program officer, and expert on work policies that impact low-income and formerly incarcerated communities.
Subject Matter Expertise:
The Value & Importance of Work
How Benefits Cliffs Impact the Poor
Creating Better Poverty Policy
Criminal Justice and Re-Entry

Vice President of Workforce Solutions
Kristin Barker
Community advocate and voice on workforce impact on vulnerable communities and the solutions to address it.
Subject Matter Expertise:
The Value & Importance of Work
Addressing Poverty at a Community Level
Community Collaboration Between Businesses and Non-Profits
Schedule one of our subject matter experts to come and speak or interview on a specific issue that matters to you.