New community-led initiative aims to reduce crime in Columbus

New community-led initiative aims to reduce crime in Columbus

Georgia news, in the news, current events, Georgia happenings, GA happenings

New community-led initiative aims to reduce crime in Columbus

A new community initiative is set to launch in Columbus, but it’s not run by any one person or organization. It’s running name is the “Columbus Empowerment Initiative.”

The program is based on – but not affiliated with – a similar group in Nebraska, the Omaha Empowerment Initiative. The Nebraska-based group, also known as Omaha 360, is “focused on Collaboration, Prevention, Intervention, Enforcement Support, Reentry and Community Engagement,” according to its webpage.

Roughly 60 individuals showed up, including Columbus Mayor Skip Henderson, local philanthropists, businesspersons and other community leaders. Representatives of the Georgia Center Opportunity and Better Work Columbus were also in attendance.

“Violence, homicide in particular, is the worst thing that a human being can do to another person,” said Josh Crawford, director of criminal justice initiatives at the Georgia Center for Opportunity.

He continued, “By restoring public safety in a community with a high rate of violence, you’re really taking the first step towards making a more prosperous and flourishing community.”


Why crime in smaller cities like Columbus matters

Why crime in smaller cities like Columbus matters

Columbus Cityscape

Why crime in smaller cities like Columbus matters

Key Points

  • Reducing crime and restoring community safety is vital to addressing poverty and increasing opportunity.
  • While major metro areas are typically the focus of crime reduction efforts, there is a need to address crime in smaller communities seeing an uptick in crime.
  • Columbus, GA has seen an increase in violent crime over the last 5 years.
  • The Columbus community and municipalities must come together to address crime and work on preventative solutions.

We know that crime in major metro areas across the United States is up. Here in Georgia, Atlanta is front and center on that issue, highlighted by a recent report by the Georgia Center for Opportunity showing a concerning rise in violent and property crime over the last few years.

While the crime problem in larger cities is crucial to address, smaller cities tend to get overlooked. Yet these cities represent a large portion of the country’s population. There are 335 cities with population levels between 100,000 and one million, but only 14 cities with populations over one million.

Take Columbus, Georgia as an example. The city’s population now stands at approximately 203,000—a slight reduction from 2020 when the population was 207,000. Since 2017, Columbus has seen a spike in crime.

The crime problem—and what to do about it—is the focus of a new GCO report. Titled “Reducing Crime in Columbus: Safer Communities Through Policy,” the report is authored by Josh Crawford, Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at GCO.

Quick Facts on Crime in Columbus

  • Columbus saw one of its most violent years with 59 murders in 2021.
  • The city’s population is on the decline, correlated to the rise in violent crime.
  • A decrease in Columbus police has gone hand-in-hand with the crime spike.
  • Attempted murder convicts in Columbus who were released in 2022 only served 35% of their time.

“The human cost of this violence is dramatic, cutting lives short and leaving behind grieving families and fractured communities,” Crawford said. “The toll of violent crime goes beyond the physical cost to those directly impacted and includes financial costs to victims and taxpayers, the loss of productive years, and decreased economic mobility and growth in communities afflicted with high rates of crime.”

Cover of the Columbus Crime Report

Access the Report:

Reducing Crime in Columbus

Our Columbus Crime Report details six practical solutions that city leaders can use to reduce crime in Columbus and restore safety, hope, and opportunity to the broader community. 

Why Smaller Cities Matter

Our focus at GCO is on empowering underserved, disadvantaged, and low-income communities. By starting with Columbus, we want to equip more of these overlooked cities across Georgia and the U.S. with policy reforms that will reduce crime and restore community safety. 

Six Policy Recommendations to Reduce Crime

Because Columbus is smaller, it’s easier to implement changes that would make a big difference. Success in Columbus could provide a model to inspire change in similar-sized cities.

Fixing the Columbus crime problem is about focusing on the most violent offenders. By addressing gang-related violence and solving more homicide investigations, Columbus can restore community safety, improve trust with city officials and law enforcement, and expand upward mobility and opportunity for residents.

Crawford suggests:

  • Addressing disrepair in Columbus’ communities by expanding cleanup efforts, tearing down or renovating abandoned buildings, and installing adequate street lighting.
  • Building trust between community residents and law enforcement and social services, particularly through protecting the rights of victims.
  • Removing egregious offenders from communities by implementing gang-enhancement provisions such as SB44 (2023) that keep these individuals incarcerated.
  • Improving and requiring pre-entry cognitive behavioral therapy services for all juvenile offenders, no matter how non-violent their offenses.
  • Reevaluating reentry programs through an external third party, examining the impact on revocation, rearrest, and reconviction.
PRESS RELEASE: New report seeks to ease spike in Columbus crime, restore community safety

PRESS RELEASE: New report seeks to ease spike in Columbus crime, restore community safety

Columbus Cityscape

PRESS RELEASE: New report seeks to ease spike in Columbus crime, restore community safety

Violent crime is on the rise in Columbus, Georgia. What are the reasons, and can anything be done to stop it? Those questions are the topic of a new report from the Georgia Center for Opportunity (GCO) focused on Columbus’ recent spike in crime and ideas on how to mitigate it.

Titled “Reducing Crime in Columbus: Safer Communities Through Policy,” the report is authored by Josh Crawford, Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at GCO.

Cover of the Columbus Crime Report

Access the Report:

Reducing Crime in Columbus

Our Columbus Crime Report details six practical solutions that city leaders can use to reduce crime in Columbus and restore safety, hope, and opportunity to the broader community. 

Reducing Crime in Columbus: Safer Communities through Policy

“Since 2017, crime has been on the rise in Columbus. And it’s only gotten worse during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Crawford said. “It’s imperative that city and community leaders come together to solve this problem. Our new report provides the groundwork.”

Quick Facts on Crime in Columbus

  • Columbus saw one of its most violent years with 59 murders in 2021.
  • The city’s population is on the decline, correlated to the rise in violent crime.
  • A decrease in Columbus police has gone hand-in-hand with the crime spike.
  • Attempted murder convicts in Columbus who were released in 2022 only served 35% of their time.

“The human cost of this violence is dramatic, cutting lives short and leaving behind grieving families and fractured communities,” Crawford said. “The toll of violent crime goes beyond the physical cost to those directly impacted and includes financial costs to victims and taxpayers, the loss of productive years, and decreased economic mobility and growth in communities afflicted with high rates of crime.”

Six Policy Recommendations to Reduce Crime

Fixing the Columbus crime problem is about focusing on the most violent offenders. By addressing gang-related violence and solving more homicide investigations, Columbus can restore community safety, improve trust with city officials and law enforcement, and expand upward mobility and opportunity for residents.

Crawford suggests:

  • Addressing disrepair in Columbus’ communities by expanding cleanup efforts, tearing down or renovating abandoned buildings, and installing adequate street lighting.
  • Building trust between community residents and law enforcement and social services, particularly through protecting the rights of victims.
  • Removing egregious offenders from communities by implementing gang-enhancement provisions such as SB44 (2023) that keep these individuals incarcerated.
  • Improving and requiring pre-entry cognitive behavioral therapy services for all juvenile offenders, no matter how non-violent their offenses.
  • Reevaluating reentry programs through an external third party, examining the impact on revocation, rearrest, and reconviction.

About The Author

Josh Crawford

Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives

Josh Crawford is a native of Massachusetts. He went to Penn State for his undergraduate degree and then finished law school in Boston. After a brief stint in Sacramento, California, working in the county district attorney’s office, Josh moved to Kentucky to help start the Pegasus Institute, a nonpartisan organization designed to promote opportunity. In addition to serving as executive director of the organization, Josh had a special focus on criminal justice policy.

“By focusing on public safety and order, we can restore hope and opportunity to rural communities.”

New community-led initiative aims to reduce crime in Columbus

The Ripple Effect of Local Philanthropy

Georgia news, in the news, current events, Georgia happenings, GA happenings

The Ripple Effect of Local Philanthropy

Reflecting on her two-month tenure, Ms. T remarked, “Things are going great. I’m beyond pleased with the job. It’s hard to believe it’s approaching two months; it feels longer.”

The center emphasizes that continuous backing, via one-time or recurring donations, provides stability. 

Beyond finanial aid, it encourages mentorship and volunteering, allowing hte community to aid peers in their ascent from poverty. To collaborate with the Georgia Center for Opportunity, reach out to or dial 770-242-0001.

Read the full article here

*See pages 54-55


Empowering South Columbus Through Collaboration: C3 Job Fair Success

Empowering South Columbus Through Collaboration: C3 Job Fair Success

C3 job fair, Columbus ga, better work Columbus

Empowering South Columbus Through Collaboration: C3 Job Fair Success

Key Points

  • Community Collaboration for Empowerment: The Collaborative Community Connection (C3) organized a successful job fair in South Columbus through a partnership involving various entities, including the City of Columbus Parks and Recreation, Boys and Girls Club of the Chattahoochee Valley, Goodwill Southern Rivers, YMCA of Metro Columbus GA, BETTER WORK Columbus team, and more. 
  • Diverse Employment Opportunities: The job fair showcased a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, law enforcement, and retail, providing immediate employment opportunities. 
  • Impact and Hope for Neglected Community: Better Work Columbus played a significant role in assisting job seekers and facilitating connections with potential employers. Beyond the event’s surface, the job fair highlighted the significance of community support for an often-neglected area.

In a display of community solidarity, the Collaborative Community Connection (C3) recently hosted a transformative job fair at the Frank Chester Recreation Center. This dynamic partnership, comprising entities such as the City of Columbus Parks and Recreation, Boys and Girls Club of the Chattahoochee Valley, Goodwill Southern Rivers, YMCA of Metro Columbus GA, our BETTER WORK Columbus team and more, united to channel resources where they’re needed most in South Columbus. The event’s spotlight shone on a diverse range of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, law enforcement, and retail, all of which offered immediate employment opportunities. With local employers like Pratt and Whitney, Aflac, and Kia in attendance, the job fair collectively sought to fill over 2,000 positions.

One organization that played a pivotal role in the success of the event was Better Work Columbus. Their on-site assistance and support proved invaluable in helping job seekers navigate the job fair and connect with potential employers.The job fair’s impact reverberated beyond the surface, as it underscored the importance of community support in an area that has often faced neglect. By uniting organizations with a shared goal of upliftment, C3 demonstrated their unwavering belief in the untapped potential and inherent value of South Columbus residents.


Beyond the event’s surface, the job fair highlighted the significance of community support for an often-neglected area. It emphasized the belief in the potential of South Columbus residents and demonstrated that collaborative efforts can lead to transformative change and a brighter future for the community.

Beyond the event’s surface, the job fair highlighted the significance of community support for an often-neglected area. It emphasized the belief in the potential of South Columbus residents and demonstrated that collaborative efforts can lead to transformative change and a brighter future for the community.

The C3 job fair not only provided a platform for individuals to secure gainful employment but also symbolized a beacon of hope for an often-overlooked community. It signified that collaborative efforts, like those of C3, can bridge gaps, open doors, and amplify voices that deserve to be heard. As this successful event has shown, when a community comes together with dedication and purpose, it can spark transformative change and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.


Q&A with BETTER WORK partner Oatey

Q&A with BETTER WORK partner Oatey

Oatey, Better work Gwinnett, Buford community

Q&A with BETTER WORK partner Oatey

BETTER WORK Gwinnett recently partnered with Oatey, a company that provides high-quality products for the residential and commercial plumbing industries. In this Q&A, we explore the ways Oatey is making a positive difference in the community and how BETTER WORK is playing a key role in accomplishing that goal.

1. What prompted you to partner with BETTER WORK Gwinnett?

Oatey decided to partner with BETTER WORK for several reasons. The main reason is to actively engage in community outreach in the Buford, Georgia area and seek ways to increase Oatey’s presence and connect with local organizations. Furthermore, Oatey is also looking to diversify its recruitment channels beyond traditional job-posting sites, like Indeed or LinkedIn, to find candidates for open positions.

With these goals in mind, we conducted research that led us to BETTER WORK to connect us with job seekers in the Gwinnett County area. BETTER WORK works specifically with those who face common barriers to employment, such as language, transportation, or criminal background. By partnering with BETTER WORK, we aim to strengthen our ties with the community and find new avenues for recruiting candidates for our vacancies. 


2. What are some of the ways you’ve been able to successfully work with BETTER WORK Gwinnett so far?

We have already taken several successful steps in working with them and have shared our open positions with BETTER WORK Gwinnett, which has led to a few applicants from their system. Although it is still early in the partnership (one month), this has been a positive start and a great opportunity for Oatey to broaden our recruitment efforts and reach out to potential candidates in a unique way. 

By collaborating with BETTER WORK Gwinnett, we hope to continue to strengthen the partnership and find more qualified candidates for our open positions.

3. What are some of the biggest obstacles employers are facing in Gwinnett County right now?

One of the primary obstacles that Gwinnett County employers are currently facing is a labor shortage, creating a lot of competition for talent and compensation.

However, companies like Oatey are finding ways to mitigate this challenge by offering a very attractive work environment and policies, such as flexible attendance policies and shifts, which draws in job seekers looking for work-life balance.

For instance, we recently introduced a new attendance policy focusing on building relationships between associates and supervisors. Under the new system, associates can make up missed hours at more flexible times or take approved time off without using their PTO.

This approach provides associates with greater work-life balance, while ensuring the company still receives the help it requires. By offering policies that help associates navigate life outside of work, employers like Oatey can stand out in a competitive job market and retain valuable workers.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Oatey increased shift pay for hourly associates with the aim of attracting and retaining candidates who work off shifts, such as second shift.

Oatey’s friendly and family-oriented company culture also sets us apart from larger corporations. It has created a positive atmosphere where people can feel comfortable and relaxed while working. One of our employees even brought in a turkey necks, rice, and cornbread meal for a large group of us. It was a nice surprise, and everybody enjoyed it. We also had a barbecue event last month, where employees from different shifts mingled and enjoyed each other’s company.

4. What are the biggest roadblocks to employment for workers right now?

One of the biggest roadblocks to employment is a lack of education; specifically, a high school diploma or GED. 

Many employers require these basic educational qualifications as a prerequisite for employment. Unfortunately, this requirement can prevent otherwise qualified candidates from securing jobs.

However, there are resources available to help job seekers overcome this hurdle. Institutions like Gwinnett Technical College offer GED courses and testing, including free GED preparation classes, scholarships to assist with GED Testing, and more.

“We have hired individuals who have spent time in prison, and have had a positive experience with them.”

“We have hired individuals who have spent time in prison, and have had a positive experience with them.”

5. Can you share an example of a success story of how a job has helped someone succeed in life?

We recently hired a gentleman who relocated from Mississippi. Since starting at Oatey, he has learned new skills on machines like the FedEx machine and forklifts to increase his earning potential.

With this income, he was able to purchase a new vehicle after his car broke down, which would have been a significant challenge without steady employment, especially right after relocating. A secure job has provided him with the financial stability to support himself and care for his needs.

6. It’s my understanding that you are willing to consider applicants who were formerly incarcerated. What made you open to that and what has the experience been like?

Regarding our policy on hiring individuals with a criminal background, we are willing to consider such applicants. However, we still have a rigorous screening process and certain requirements in place.

We have hired individuals who have spent time in prison, and have had a positive experience with them.

In conclusion, our company is open to hiring individuals with a criminal past, provided they meet our screening requirements, and demonstrate that they have learned from their past mistakes and are committed to improving themselves. We understand that everyone’s circumstances are different.