How a Government Shutdown Actually Hurts the Poor

How a Government Shutdown Actually Hurts the Poor

Best practices for reducing crime can empower California to build safer communities through policy.

How a Government Shutdown Actually Hurts the Poor

Key Points

  • Government shutdowns occur when Congress doesn’t pass a set of bills that give federal agencies and services the approval and funding necessary to operate. 
  • Government shutdowns and political wrangling distract from the real issues facing the poor and delay much-needed safety net reforms that would help people move out of government dependency.
  • There are bipartisan solutions Congress can act on to better serve low-income and marginalized communities.

Government shutdowns occur when Congress doesn’t pass a set of bills that give federal agencies and services the necessary funding to operate. Without this approval, agencies must pause all non-essential activity until Congress takes action. Threats of government shutdowns often go hand-in-hand with political conflicts among federal leaders. When this dynamic takes hold in D.C., government shutdowns become, at best, a distraction from the real issues facing the poor and, at worst, a roadblock to efforts to move people out of government dependency.

What Happens During a Government Shutdown?

During a government shutdown, several disruptions happen:  

  • Many federal employees are temporarily out of a job. They are instructed not to show up to work and aren’t paid during the shutdown window, though they typically receive back-pay once a shutdown ends.
  • Essential government employees, such as military, air traffic control, and TSA, are expected to keep working without pay. 
  • Americans may experience delays in government-administered processes, such as permits and passports.
  • Benefits from Social Security, Medicare, and most other need-based programs still go out, but shutdowns often lead to furloughs or reduced staffing levels in federal agencies responsible for administering these programs. As a result, beneficiaries may experience longer processing times for applications, appeals, and inquiries. 
  • Nutrition programs, including SNAP and WIC, are the most at-risk from a government shutdown, with WIC being immediately impacted upon a shutdown (though benefits may still continue for some days) and SNAP having about a month of funding available after a shutdown.

Government Shutdowns and Safety Net Programs 

For many Americans who currently need assistance from programs like SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), and Social Security, a government shutdown can be a fearful prospect. The worry of losing essential benefits and facing greater financial hardship can take a significant toll on individuals and families in low-income households and communities. 

The good news for these Americans is that need-based services are typically the last area to be affected and the first to receive any additional approved funding, and government shutdowns would have to go on for a long time—longer than the current record of 34 days—before beneficiaries notice any change in financial assistance. The biggest hurdle is that agencies may be slower to respond to applications, inquiries, and other administrative needs. 

Government Shutdowns Prolong the Suffering of Low-Income, Marginalized Communities

Government shutdowns can generate consequences and inconveniences across the country, but it’s important to recognize that not everyone bears the brunt of a government shutdown equally. 

A government shutdown may not cut off food stamps, social security, or other safety net benefits immediately. However, low-income and vulnerable communities still suffer because their struggles get lost in the midst of political conflicts. The impending shutdown is brewing because political wrangling and polarization continue to distract federal leaders from addressing real problems and broken safety net systems.

There Are Solutions Congress Can Act On to Create Better Pathways Out of Poverty

To better serve people living on the margins, federal lawmakers must stop avoiding the reality that the design of our safety net is a barrier, not a bridge, to opportunity. 

In the current system, recipients are forced to navigate multiple, disconnected programs, eligibility requirements, and caseworkers—a maze that becomes a trap for welfare dependence instead of a secure path out of poverty. Government shutdowns can certainly add to this tediousness and complexity, but there’s a bigger question looming in the background: How do we design our safety net system so that it  actually helps Americans become more self-sufficient and regain hope and dignity along the way? 

There are solutions Congress can implement.

Expanding the One Door Model to Bridge Welfare and Work 

The One Door Model does away with disconnected programs and integrates human services with work support so that beneficiaries who are capable of working have a clear, supportive, and accessible path to personal well-being and meaningful jobs.

This reform improves safety net services by: 

  • Streamlining programs and making the system easier for recipients to navigate.
  • Building a bridge to work, training, and education to promote self-sufficiency over dependency. 
  • Providing cost savings for federal and state budgets.


One Door To Opportunity

The purpose and direction of our safety net programs are to help and not hinder opportunity. We must build a system that provides one door to access opportunities leading to thriving. This is a dramatic change in how we deliver help to those in need.

One Door To Opportunity

The purpose and direction of our safety net programs are to help and not hinder opportunity. We must build a system that provides one door to access opportunities leading to thriving. This is a dramatic change in how we deliver help to those in need.

The first and only state to adopt this approach is Utah, where it has changed the lives of thousands—everyone from single mothers to ex-offenders seeking a fresh start. The One Door Model is a fix all states could implement…if Congress would allow them. Under the current federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), states are blocked from adopting the reform. Congress could change this simply by revising WIOA. 

Removing the Barrier of Benefits Cliffs 

All safety net programs suffer from a benefits cliffs problem. A benefits cliff is when an individual, family, or household loses more in benefits from government assistance programs than it gains from additional earned income.

When a person experiences a benefits cliff, they are thrust into serious difficulties: loss of housing, going hungry, fearing that their children will be taken by Child Protective Services, and more. While most people don’t want to depend on government assistance long-term, a higher wage often doesn’t offset the vulnerabilities created by a sudden, steep loss of benefits.

The One Door Model, work requirements, and other welfare-to-work solutions can encourage more people toward employment and independence, but this approach isn’t a full solution. As long as benefits cliffs exist in the safety net, people will face a significant barrier that incentivizes them to choose government dependency. Reforms are needed at both the federal and state levels to empower more households to overcome benefits cliffs through steady work and typical pay raises so that they can achieve self-sufficiency more quickly and securely. 

Knowing that practical, life-changing solutions are out there, we can look at government shutdown debates in a different light and ask: What are the political games in DC costing communities? For millions of Americans, the tragic answer is that it’s costing them the chance  for a more fulfilled, self-sufficient life as long as federal leaders devote energy to political distractions instead of bipartisan opportunities to fix our broken safety net system. 

California’s Skyrocketing Crime: How It Happened and What to Do About It

California’s Skyrocketing Crime: How It Happened and What to Do About It

Best practices for reducing crime can empower California to build safer communities through policy.

California’s Skyrocketing Crime: How It Happened and What to Do About It

Key Points

  • There has been a concerning increase in violent crime and homicide rates in California.
  • Cities like San Francisco and Oakland have been adversely affected by rising crime, leading to economic challenges, a decline in safety perception, and demands for action from various community groups.
  • Over the years policies and decisions at both the state and local levels are believed to have contributed to the rise in crime. These include changes in sentencing laws, budget reallocations, and the election of progressive district attorneys. However, there is still great potential for political repercussions and the need for innovative solutions to address crime.

A recent headline from the satirical news website The Babylon Bee read “California Achieves World’s First Crime Rate Of Zero After Legalizing All Crime.” That piece reads in part:

“This is a great moment for our state,” Governor Gavin Newsom said. “No other state in the nation’s history has successfully brought the crime rate down to nothing. California is once again leading the way! Now, please, for the safety of your loved ones, don’t venture out of your homes at night. Or at least carry an air horn. Whatever. I don’t care.”

Analysts point to the state’s legalization of all criminal acts as the catalyst for reaching a zero crime rate. “It was a bold but revolutionary move,” said Professor Kyle Ray of the California Crime Institute. “California has effectively eliminated all crime from existence simply by making every unlawful or despicable act completely acceptable. Murder, assault, robbery — these are yesterday’s terms. Californians are now truly free to express themselves however they choose. Zero crime!”

Unfortunately, sometimes life comes a little too close to imitating art. In California’s case, de-carceration, de-prosecution, and de-policing has led to a toxic mix that has eroded public safety in the Golden State.

While crime began to crest in many states in 2022, the 2022 Crime in California report shows:

  • State-wide violent crime was up 6.1% compared to 2021.
  • Property crime was up 6.2% over the same time period.
  • The homicide rate increased 23.9% in the five years since 2017. 
  • By contrast, the rates for overall arrests and homicide arrests declined in 2022.


San Francisco and Oakland: California Beacons of Opportunity Turned Cautionary Tales 

Two Bay-area cities—San Francisco and Oakland—exemplify California’s public safety decline.

In San Francisco, a destination once regarded as the booming tech hub of the world, rising violent crime, homelessness, and open-air drug markets have led to massive exits from businesses large and small. In fact, the number of fleeing businesses is so large that several media and advocacy groups have developed databases of all the companies leaving. 

This trend has severely damaged the city’s reputation. A recent Gallup poll found that only 52% of Americans thought San Francisco was safe—down from 70% in 2006. It has also opened San Francisco up to the negative impact that crime has on economic opportunity. As multiple studies have found, violent crime robs communities of job growth and economic mobility—an outcome that tends to hurt disadvantaged communities and low-income residents the most. 

Across the Golden Gate Bridge in Oakland, CA, residents have become so tired of unabated violent crime that the local NAACP chapter joined Black religious leaders in calling on city leadership to declare a “state of emergency” over the impact of surging violence on minority communities. They specifically called out “failed leadership, including the movement to defund the police,” as well as the failure to “prosecute people who murder and commit life threatening serious crimes.” 

Bad ideas in Oakland have contributed to a cycle of violence that has trapped low-income residents in places they feel unsafe. The NAACP chapter there is demanding accountability, both of the offenders and of the politicians who placate them. In the first six months of 2023, crime is up 26% overall in Oakland,  according to the Oakland Police Department.


How Did California Get Into This Crime Crisis?

How did California get here? A brew of bad policies at the state and local levels over the last decade appears to have finally come to a head. 

  • Beginning in 2011, in response to a lawsuit about prison crowding, the California legislature passed AB 109, “Public Safety Realignment,” which made most property and drug offenses ineligible for state prison sentences and eliminated state parole supervision in most instances in favor of less intensive county options.


  •  Then, in 2014, voters approved Proposition 47,  “The Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act,” which made all types of theft under $950 and some drug crimes misdemeanors.


  • In 2016, voters approved Proposition 57, “The Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act of 2016” which created a system of earned early release that applied to many inmates, including those convicted of rape, gang, and gun crimes.


  • Finally, in 2020, in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 in state prisons, Governor Newsom released more than 10,000 inmates back onto the street, many of whom had violent and serious convictions.

At the local level, both San Francisco and Oakland reduced or repurposed portions of their police department budgets amid calls to “defund” the police. In 2020, San Francisco diverted $120 million from the police department and sheriff’s office budgets over the next two years. In Oakland, the city council repurposed $17 million away from the police department in favor of doubling the budget of a civilian crime prevention entity.

And then there are the elected District Attorneys. In San Francisco, progressive defense attorney Chesa Boudin was elected in 2020, along with a wave of other progressive prosecutors around the country with large financial backing. In addition to not prosecuting a host of lower-level crimes, Boudin quickly announced he would not pursue enhanced penalties for gang members. Crime rose dramatically, and Boudin was recalled in 2022.

Shortly after the Boudin recall, Oakland elected district attorney Pamela Price, who promised to discontinue use of those same enhanced penalties and favor probation over incarceration. She is currently facing the potential of her own recall effort.



The tragic story of Christian Gwynn who was fatally shot as a result of violence is a wake-up call to the need for change in policies that will reduce urban violence.


Rising Crime Doesn’t Have to be the New Norm in California—or Anywhere Else

Now there is mounting fear of even greater political blowback. But political implications aside, it doesn’t have to be this way.

We recently published our first analysis of a city and state’s public safety infrastructure. While this initial report looks at Atlanta, GA, the implications extend to cities and states across the country. Blue and red cities in blue and red states have been innovating and implementing best practices to reduce crime and violence, and these steps are helping several communities restore safety, hope, and opportunity. 

For more on how cities and states can get back on the right track, check out the report and recommendations here.

About The Author

Josh Crawford

Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives

Josh Crawford is a native of Massachusetts. He went to Penn State for his undergraduate degree and then finished law school in Boston. After a brief stint in Sacramento, California, working in the county district attorney’s office, Josh moved to Kentucky to help start the Pegasus Institute, a nonpartisan organization designed to promote opportunity. In addition to serving as executive director of the organization, Josh had a special focus on criminal justice policy.

“By focusing on public safety and order, we can restore hope and opportunity to rural communities.”

Can we restore safety to Atlanta?

Can we restore safety to Atlanta?

crime rate, crime scene, Atlanta homicides, Atlanta news, Atlanta crime rates, crime on the rise

Can we restore safety to Atlanta?

Key Points

  • The Georgia Center for Opportunity is releasing a new report on rising violent crime in Atlanta and ways to address it.
  • Most crimes tend to cluster in compact, high-density regions controlled by violent gangs.
  • Foster trust between community members and law enforcement and social services, with a specific focus on safeguarding the rights of victims.

The Georgia Center for Opportunity is announcing a new report on violent crime in Atlanta, which highlights the city’s recent spike in violent crime and how to mitigate it. 

Josh Crawford, Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at GCO, developed the report, along with recommendations for reducing violent crime in Atlanta.  

“The brief and its recommendations are designed to create a base level of what order and public safety should look like across the board,” Crawford says. “It’s imperative that we have an intentional conversation about the state of crime in Atlanta now, and how we can improve that for the future.” 

According to Crawford’s report, criminal activity reduces opportunities in both small communities and metropolitan areas, destabilizing them in the process. In addition, crime devalues both businesses and individuals in those areas. 

Although there have been positive steps toward improvement in Atlanta during recent years, there’s still work to be done. Some of those measures still need to be implemented, while other solutions need to be developed. In his report, Crawford shares a number of recommendations.

A Dramatic Spike in Violent Crime

Since 2018, the rates of violent crime and homicide have increased dramatically in Atlanta. The largest spike occurred during 2020 and was a reflection of the broader trend nationwide. Between 2009 and 2017, homicides in Atlanta tended to average 90 or fewer, with a few exceptions in 2008 (105) and 2016 (113).

Since the rise in violent crime began in 2018, Atlanta has not experienced a year with fewer than 80 murders, with an additional 217 people murdered over the previous decade’s average. 

On top of the rising crime, many convicted violent criminals in Georgia aren’t serving out their full sentences. As a result, they’re being released back onto the streets long before their sentences end. For example: 

  • Attempted murder convicts released during 2022 had only served 7.91 years of their sentences on average, or 35.78% of the time they were meant to serve
  • That same year, aggravated assault convicts had only served 4.03 years on average, or 29.57% of their sentences
  • Felons convicted of unlawful possession of a firearm had served only 2.83 years on average, or 27.29% of their full sentences

To make matters worse, a dip in law enforcement personnel has coincided with the rise in crime.

Pinpointing High-Crime Areas in and Around Atlanta

Crawford says that the majority of crime tends to be concentrated in small, dense areas controlled by violent gangs. 

“We have to focus our efforts on gang-controlled areas across the city,” he says. “By doing that, we’ll start to see significant gains. It’s a more effective approach than trying to broaden our reach.” 

Once law enforcement has pinpointed high-crime areas, Crawford says they can then implement a series of strategies he calls “focused deterrence.” In other words, incidences of violent crime–such as homicides and shootings–would theoretically be reduced. This result is possible through concentrated social service and law enforcement activities in these gang-controlled sectors. 

Using the combined, competent approach of law enforcement and social services would enable individual criminals to undergo rehabilitation. These measures would emphasize getting to the root of the problem, and helping each person to make the necessary changes to his or her life. 

“We believe it’s not possible to truly help reduce crime without directly addressing the person or problem where it originates,” Crawford says. 

Atlanta Homcide Stats

 “It’s imperative that we have an intentional conversation about the state of crime in Atlanta now, and how we can improve that for the future.”

– Josh Crawford, Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at GCO

Atlanta Homcide Stats

“It’s imperative that we have an intentional conversation about the state of crime in Atlanta now, and how we can improve that for the future.”

– Josh Crawford, Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at GCO

More Recommendations for Improving Community Safety 

In addition to narrowing the focus to areas of high gang activity and addressing individuals wherever possible, there are also things that can be done to improve community safety in those areas. Here are some of the steps Crawford recommends. 

  • Address disrepair in Atlanta’s communities by expanding cleanup efforts, tearing down or renovating abandoned buildings, and installing adequate street lighting
  • Build trust between community residents and law enforcement and social services, particularly through protecting the rights of victims
  • Remove egregious offenders from communities by implementing gang-enhancement provisions such as SB44 (2023) that keep these individuals incarcerated
  • Improve and require pre-entry cognitive behavioral therapy services for all juvenile offenders, no matter how non-violent their offenses
  • Reevaluate reentry programs through an external third party, examining the impact on revocation, rearrest, and reconviction 

Through this strategic, multi-layered approach, Crawford estimates that it would be possible to reduce Atlanta’s caseload to no more than six homicides each year. 

Empowering South Columbus Through Collaboration: C3 Job Fair Success

Empowering South Columbus Through Collaboration: C3 Job Fair Success

C3 job fair, Columbus ga, better work Columbus

Empowering South Columbus Through Collaboration: C3 Job Fair Success

Key Points

  • Community Collaboration for Empowerment: The Collaborative Community Connection (C3) organized a successful job fair in South Columbus through a partnership involving various entities, including the City of Columbus Parks and Recreation, Boys and Girls Club of the Chattahoochee Valley, Goodwill Southern Rivers, YMCA of Metro Columbus GA, BETTER WORK Columbus team, and more. 
  • Diverse Employment Opportunities: The job fair showcased a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, law enforcement, and retail, providing immediate employment opportunities. 
  • Impact and Hope for Neglected Community: Better Work Columbus played a significant role in assisting job seekers and facilitating connections with potential employers. Beyond the event’s surface, the job fair highlighted the significance of community support for an often-neglected area.

In a display of community solidarity, the Collaborative Community Connection (C3) recently hosted a transformative job fair at the Frank Chester Recreation Center. This dynamic partnership, comprising entities such as the City of Columbus Parks and Recreation, Boys and Girls Club of the Chattahoochee Valley, Goodwill Southern Rivers, YMCA of Metro Columbus GA, our BETTER WORK Columbus team and more, united to channel resources where they’re needed most in South Columbus. The event’s spotlight shone on a diverse range of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, law enforcement, and retail, all of which offered immediate employment opportunities. With local employers like Pratt and Whitney, Aflac, and Kia in attendance, the job fair collectively sought to fill over 2,000 positions.

One organization that played a pivotal role in the success of the event was Better Work Columbus. Their on-site assistance and support proved invaluable in helping job seekers navigate the job fair and connect with potential employers.The job fair’s impact reverberated beyond the surface, as it underscored the importance of community support in an area that has often faced neglect. By uniting organizations with a shared goal of upliftment, C3 demonstrated their unwavering belief in the untapped potential and inherent value of South Columbus residents.


Beyond the event’s surface, the job fair highlighted the significance of community support for an often-neglected area. It emphasized the belief in the potential of South Columbus residents and demonstrated that collaborative efforts can lead to transformative change and a brighter future for the community.

Beyond the event’s surface, the job fair highlighted the significance of community support for an often-neglected area. It emphasized the belief in the potential of South Columbus residents and demonstrated that collaborative efforts can lead to transformative change and a brighter future for the community.

The C3 job fair not only provided a platform for individuals to secure gainful employment but also symbolized a beacon of hope for an often-overlooked community. It signified that collaborative efforts, like those of C3, can bridge gaps, open doors, and amplify voices that deserve to be heard. As this successful event has shown, when a community comes together with dedication and purpose, it can spark transformative change and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.


Q&A with BETTER WORK partner Oatey

Q&A with BETTER WORK partner Oatey

Oatey, Better work Gwinnett, Buford community

Q&A with BETTER WORK partner Oatey

BETTER WORK Gwinnett recently partnered with Oatey, a company that provides high-quality products for the residential and commercial plumbing industries. In this Q&A, we explore the ways Oatey is making a positive difference in the community and how BETTER WORK is playing a key role in accomplishing that goal.

1. What prompted you to partner with BETTER WORK Gwinnett?

Oatey decided to partner with BETTER WORK for several reasons. The main reason is to actively engage in community outreach in the Buford, Georgia area and seek ways to increase Oatey’s presence and connect with local organizations. Furthermore, Oatey is also looking to diversify its recruitment channels beyond traditional job-posting sites, like Indeed or LinkedIn, to find candidates for open positions.

With these goals in mind, we conducted research that led us to BETTER WORK to connect us with job seekers in the Gwinnett County area. BETTER WORK works specifically with those who face common barriers to employment, such as language, transportation, or criminal background. By partnering with BETTER WORK, we aim to strengthen our ties with the community and find new avenues for recruiting candidates for our vacancies. 


2. What are some of the ways you’ve been able to successfully work with BETTER WORK Gwinnett so far?

We have already taken several successful steps in working with them and have shared our open positions with BETTER WORK Gwinnett, which has led to a few applicants from their system. Although it is still early in the partnership (one month), this has been a positive start and a great opportunity for Oatey to broaden our recruitment efforts and reach out to potential candidates in a unique way. 

By collaborating with BETTER WORK Gwinnett, we hope to continue to strengthen the partnership and find more qualified candidates for our open positions.

3. What are some of the biggest obstacles employers are facing in Gwinnett County right now?

One of the primary obstacles that Gwinnett County employers are currently facing is a labor shortage, creating a lot of competition for talent and compensation.

However, companies like Oatey are finding ways to mitigate this challenge by offering a very attractive work environment and policies, such as flexible attendance policies and shifts, which draws in job seekers looking for work-life balance.

For instance, we recently introduced a new attendance policy focusing on building relationships between associates and supervisors. Under the new system, associates can make up missed hours at more flexible times or take approved time off without using their PTO.

This approach provides associates with greater work-life balance, while ensuring the company still receives the help it requires. By offering policies that help associates navigate life outside of work, employers like Oatey can stand out in a competitive job market and retain valuable workers.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Oatey increased shift pay for hourly associates with the aim of attracting and retaining candidates who work off shifts, such as second shift.

Oatey’s friendly and family-oriented company culture also sets us apart from larger corporations. It has created a positive atmosphere where people can feel comfortable and relaxed while working. One of our employees even brought in a turkey necks, rice, and cornbread meal for a large group of us. It was a nice surprise, and everybody enjoyed it. We also had a barbecue event last month, where employees from different shifts mingled and enjoyed each other’s company.

4. What are the biggest roadblocks to employment for workers right now?

One of the biggest roadblocks to employment is a lack of education; specifically, a high school diploma or GED. 

Many employers require these basic educational qualifications as a prerequisite for employment. Unfortunately, this requirement can prevent otherwise qualified candidates from securing jobs.

However, there are resources available to help job seekers overcome this hurdle. Institutions like Gwinnett Technical College offer GED courses and testing, including free GED preparation classes, scholarships to assist with GED Testing, and more.

“We have hired individuals who have spent time in prison, and have had a positive experience with them.”

“We have hired individuals who have spent time in prison, and have had a positive experience with them.”

5. Can you share an example of a success story of how a job has helped someone succeed in life?

We recently hired a gentleman who relocated from Mississippi. Since starting at Oatey, he has learned new skills on machines like the FedEx machine and forklifts to increase his earning potential.

With this income, he was able to purchase a new vehicle after his car broke down, which would have been a significant challenge without steady employment, especially right after relocating. A secure job has provided him with the financial stability to support himself and care for his needs.

6. It’s my understanding that you are willing to consider applicants who were formerly incarcerated. What made you open to that and what has the experience been like?

Regarding our policy on hiring individuals with a criminal background, we are willing to consider such applicants. However, we still have a rigorous screening process and certain requirements in place.

We have hired individuals who have spent time in prison, and have had a positive experience with them.

In conclusion, our company is open to hiring individuals with a criminal past, provided they meet our screening requirements, and demonstrate that they have learned from their past mistakes and are committed to improving themselves. We understand that everyone’s circumstances are different.

Q&A with Amber Gorman on BETTER WORK Columbus’ Small Changes = Big Results class

Q&A with Amber Gorman on BETTER WORK Columbus’ Small Changes = Big Results class

Small changes= big results, Amber Gorman, better work, better work Columbus

Q&A with Amber Gorman on BETTER WORK Columbus’ Small Changes = Big Results class

Key Points

We recently sat down with Amber Gorman, program specialist for BETTER WORK Columbus, to discuss a new GCO-led class being offered in the area called Small Changes = Big Results. In this interview, Amber shares what makes the class unique and how it’s helping workers and employers in the Columbus region.

Q: What is the Small Changes = Big Results class? Who does it serve and what does it cover?

Amber: The new training that’s being offered through GCO’s Better Work Columbus program is a four-part series to help those in our community understand the “why” behind essential skills. The training was offered at SafeHouse Ministries in Columbus, Georgia, and many of their clients were in attendance. Now, SafeHouse serves the homeless population to help them obtain shelter, permanent housing, and employment.

Q: So what inspired the class? How did it get started?

Amber: There are many trainings and opportunities for job seekers in the community to gain knowledge of the topics that we introduced in class, but we noticed a disconnect as many were not seeing the value in these trainings or incorporating them into their job search and interviewing process. They were being taught how to do these things, but not necessarily why they were important. The focus of our training was to help explain why it matters. We wanted to complement and not duplicate the services already being offered, so at the end of each session participants were provided with resources where they could obtain more training and information about what we talked about during that class.

Q: What are some topics covered in the class?

Amber: Our Better Work Columbus program director Kristin Barker, and the lead recruiter from Columbus Water Works Inez Godbee, facilitated the first session. They helped to inform and educate the participants on why what you share in an interview matters, and then tips for best practices during interviewing. They also covered how to utilize job descriptions and job postings to make your resume stand out.

In the second session, we talked about why good communication and time management are essential before, during, and after employment, and how they directly relate to respect. The third session, one of our guest facilitators helped us understand why healthy relationships matter and how to build and maintain those relationships. They also introduced social capital — what it is and how it can be used to overcome roadblocks to employment.

For our fourth session, we had The Family Center in Columbus and Renasant Bank come in, and they brought valuable information to help the participants understand why budgeting matters and tips to get started on creating a budget and savings plan. They also touched on credit — what it is and how credit is sometimes used by employers and rental companies.

Work means more than just a paycheck. That is why we are focused on opening up the opportunities to work and thrive in every community.

Work means more than just a paycheck. That is why we are focused on opening up the opportunities to work and thrive in every community.

Q: What’s some of the best advice to come out of the sessions?

Amber: There are so many golden nuggets that happened, but here are some of the best pieces of advice I heard. First, presenting a positive self-image will encourage an employer to consider you for hire regardless of your background or past mistakes. Second, being on time matters. It communicates to others whether they can trust and rely on you.

Third, your value comes from God, and believing that will impact how you see yourself and how others see you as well. And then the fourth and final one is to avoid setting goals that someone else tells you to set, or goals that you feel obligated to set. Set goals that are realistic and personal to you. 

Each one of these has a correlation to how someone views themselves. If you have a negative view of yourself, others will see that too, but if you change the story in your mind — from failure to gratitude or even success — this can help us to portray a positive self-image. As a result, others will pick up on our energy and start to see us in that light also, and this can create many opportunities and open doors that we thought should or would be closed to us.

Q: That’s great! So were there any stories from the inaugural training that stood out in particular?

Amber: Yes! We had a participant who had limited skills in reading and writing, and this has been a roadblock for him for many years, but he now knows that there are people who care and are willing to invest their time to see him succeed. I assisted him throughout each session and we built a relationship, and he started to trust me and to share more of his story with everyone. Then, through collaboration with the SafeHouse, he is now being connected with a personal tutor who’s going to work with him on his reading and writing skills so that he can obtain a better paying position.

Q: Any overall advice for employers or community partners who are looking to connect with people looking for work?

Amber: I thought about this one for a while, and my advice would be to try to understand the different social norms of groups, and use that knowledge to help educate others on the expectations for the workplace. Every failed interview can be an opportunity to provide constructive feedback to help that person succeed in their next interview.

Q: What’s in store for the rest of the year?

Amber: We’ve got to do an “after action” review, but I would say that this is going to be something that is going to continue and to grow in Columbus.