Let’s make Georgia the best state to be a foster child

Let’s make Georgia the best state to be a foster child

Let’s make Georgia the best state to be a foster child

We can’t create flourishing communities without flourishing families—and foster care and adoption are crucial parts of achieving that goal. An alarming 97 percent of kids who age out of the foster care system without a stable connection to a family end up in chronic poverty.

At Georgia Center for Opportunity (GCO), we understand the importance that foster families play in creating stable environments for the most vulnerable in our society—foster children.

That’s why we were thrilled to recently welcome Georgia’s leading providers of adoption, fostering, and prevention services to our offices and to tour some of our state’s foster care community organizations. A particular highlight was welcoming Lynn Johnson, Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Administration for Children and Families, as part of the group.

Our site visits included allied organizations Faithbridge Foster Care, Bethany Christian Services, Foster Care Alliance, Connections Homes, and Promise 686.

Group photo of the GCO Foster Family meeting

The visits come as Gov. Brian Kemp and lawmakers in the Georgia General Assembly are pushing for legislation to reform Georgia’s adoption and foster care system, including increasing the tax credit for adoptions out of the foster care system from $2,000 to $6,000 for the first five years. The measure would also reduce the youngest age allowable to be an unmarried adoptive parent from 25 to 21, plus create a commission to recommend “systematic reform” in the foster care system.

We hope to see the foster community empowered through the current legislative session, so all of Georgia’s children can flourish—no matter their circumstances. For more, don’t miss this video of our panel on foster care and adoption from Breakthrough 2019.

In the end, we wholeheartedly agree with Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan when he said let’s make Georgia the No. 1 place for foster kids in the U.S.

Paid Family Leave Discussion – Establishing Healthy Lifelong Attachments

Paid Family Leave Discussion – Establishing Healthy Lifelong Attachments

Paid Family Leave Discussion – Establishing Healthy Lifelong Attachments

We know that healthy relationships and successful family formation are crucial to walking the steps of the Success Sequence. Strong families help individuals and children flourish. And we know that time with children, especially in their early years, is crucial to establishing healthy lifelong attachments.

The tougher question is how to foster these things from a policy standpoint.

At Georgia Center for Opportunity (GCO), we’ve come to realize that paid family leave is an important part of the puzzle—especially for low-income and impoverished Georgians.

For these reasons and many more, GCO hosted a discussion at Georgia Tech in mid-January dedicated to exploring options for a paid family leave policy. 

Watch the video below for more.

Three ways that Georgia lawmakers can immediately help the impoverished

Three ways that Georgia lawmakers can immediately help the impoverished

Three ways that Georgia lawmakers can immediately help the impoverished

Georgia lawmakers are back in town, kicking off the 40-day 2020 session on Monday. While the General Assembly is set to consider a range of issues—tax cuts, OK’ing the state’s budget, healthcare, and more—here are some immediate ways that lawmakers can help those in poverty:

Kids learning science in a classroomExpand educational access

One crucial way to help those in poverty is to ensure the cycle doesn’t repeat in the next generation. Today in Georgia, too many schools are failing to properly prepare children for the next phase of life, and without high-quality education options the dropout rates will continue to rise and cycles of poverty will never be broken.

The statistics are alarming: More than 1 in 5 young adults in Georgia are not attending school, not working, and have no degree beyond high school. Additionally, around 20 percent of students do not graduate from high school on time.

For these reasons and more, lawmakers should expand educational access in Georgia by passing Educational Scholarship Accounts (ESAs). This will build on the solid foundation created in recent years through the Tax Credit Scholarship Program, the Special Needs Scholarship Program, and expansion of charter schools in our state. Already, over 250,000 children in Georgia benefit through these schools and programs. That trend must and will continue.

We also realize that most Georgia families will continue to enroll their children in their locally zoned public schools. And we must continue ensuring that traditional public schools are properly funded and supported. Ultimately, we should empower all families to make the best choice possible in where and how to educate their children.

2 men in a training classHelp people find work and bolster the safety net

More than half-a-million Georgians are unemployed or unable to find full-time employment. Many of these individuals are ready to flourish if given the opportunity.

We can see change through on-the-ground partnerships that train impoverished Georgians for in-demand jobs; welfare reform that rewards work rather than punishes it; and prison reform that helps former inmates find support, work, and stability after transitioning from behind bars.

A family hanging out togetherStrengthen families

People from all walks of life are more likely to flourish if they enjoy strong relationships and a healthy family life. But here in Georgia, our state is experiencing troubling trends in a number of areas: marriage rates continue to decline, and child births outside of marriage have become the norm. While these trends cost taxpayers over $100 billion annually, the costs in terms of human suffering are immeasurable.

Lawmakers returning to the Gold Dome this week should create a tax code that doesn’t unfairly penalize marriage and, instead, one that encourages long-lasting, healthy relationships.

Creating healthy relationships, one man at a time

Creating healthy relationships, one man at a time

Creating healthy relationships, one man at a time

“Family is not an important thing.
It’s everything.”


Those words of wisdom from Michael J. Fox reflect a core reality about us as human beings. We long for meaningful connections. But in a culture where families are ripped apart, and loneliness and addiction are rampant, so many of our neighbors know nothing of the warmth, joy, and assurance of healthy relationships and a stable home life.

No longer Bound signThat’s why Georgia Center for Opportunity is partnering with organizations like No Longer Bound, an Atlanta-based organization that enrolls men in a 12-month residential regeneration process to rescue addicts, regenerate men, and rescue families. Men who go through the program resolve wounds from their past, repair damaged belief systems, restore relationship health, and receive a new identity.


Partnership with GCO

Staff at No Longer Bound noticed that men often came into their program with a history of broken romantic relationships. These men are eager to learn better ways to manage their relationships and earnestly want to become better husbands and fathers. Learning to identify a healthy partner and how to appropriately pace relationship development is a building block to supporting long-term recovery work.

A group photo with No Longer Bound staff

As a result, GCO’s Healthy Families Initiative provided a healthy relationship curriculum to No Longer Bound to help their men improve their relationship skills.


Positive feedback

The curriculum and class led to positive feedback from the men who participated, like these:

“The class has given me tools to use and concentrate on while starting to date my wonderful girlfriend of 13+ years again.”

“The class put certain things in perspective for me.”

“It made me more conscientious of the dating process and how to respectfully court a lady.”

“The class gave me a more introspective way to view how relationships work. For the majority of my life, I’ve realized that it was all about the other person and how they could change me. But it’s just the opposite—it’s completely about changing my inner self. That translates to a lasting relationship.”

“The class helped me look inward and identify what kind of woman I want. Also what kind of man I want to be.”

More about HFI

If you want to discover ways you can help your neighbors find relational stability and a healthy family life, HFI is here to partner with you. HFI is a community-based program that joins with local churches, nonprofits, schools, and businesses to help people from all walks of life enjoy healthy, intact families and strong relationships. Click here for more.

A Vision For Poverty Transformation In Columbus Through Hiring Well Doing Good

A Vision For Poverty Transformation In Columbus Through Hiring Well Doing Good

A Vision For Poverty Transformation In Columbus Through Hiring Well Doing Good

Q&A: Norman Hardman on Hiring Well, Doing Good in Columbus

Norman Hardman is a lifelong resident of Columbus, Georgia. After starting his career in the world of finance, he’s now taken his passion and skillset and applied them to one purpose: helping the impoverished in Columbus escape to a new, thriving life.

 Norman is a partner with Georgia Center for Opportunity’s work through Hiring Well, Doing Good initiative. Here’s a brief Q&A with him.


Q: Tell us about yourself. What’s your passion in life?  

Norman: I was born and raised in Columbus, and my family has strong ties here. All my schooling has been locally here: Columbus State University and then finished my Master’s Degree at Troy University. After graduating, I spent six-and-a-half years in the banking world. I worked inside the bank and worked in the community outside the bank. That gave me a taste for what I do now. 

Toward the end of my banking career, I developed a passion for education. In my job I made personal and small business loans to people, and I started focusing on those who were rejected for loans rather than accepted. It created a desire to find out why—why were they being denied?  

After that, my first thought was that I needed more tools in my toolbelt. So I started the process of becoming a Certified Financial Planner to help people better manage their money. Then, through a series of events, I found myself back in the world of Christian ministry. My family had been in ministry in Columbus for 26 years, and I always thought I would end up back there. 

In 2018, my mom as a senior pastor passed away after a six-year battle with colon cancer. My brother took over as senior pastor. We talked before about me coming on. I prayed about it and eventually said yes. In June of 2018, I took over as head of the evangelistic and outreach departments. 


I loved everything I heard, from her first word to last word. We were in sync on our visions for Columbus.

Norman Hardman



Q: How did you come to be involved with Hiring Well, Doing Good? 

Norman: The mission of Hiring Well, Doing Good is really my passion in life.

Not quite two years ago, I got out into the community and said, “I want to know what’s already here. I don’t want to duplicate anything.” I wanted to start connecting the dots for families in the community. 

I met with Brian Anderson, president of the Columbus Chamber of Commerce, to see what was going on in the community. Brian then connected me with Kristin Barker (Program Manager for Hiring Well, Doing Good). I loved everything I heard, from her first word to last word. We were in sync on our visions for Columbus.


Q: What’s your vision for poverty transformation in Columbus? 

Norman: My goal is prosperous families in every facet of the word prosperity, especially economic prosperity.   

But here’s the thing: I don’t just want to see people escape poverty by leaving their neighborhoods—say, moving from the south side of Columbus to the north side. I want them to stay in their neighborhoods and transform them. I want to see people go through the process together—see them become first-time homeowners, create prosperous communities, see the birth of new community leaders and programs, and families continuing to grow and thrive.


Q: What excites you in particular about Hiring Well, Doing Good’s approach? 

Norman: I know and have met people who are passionate. We all have different ideas about how to do that—some focused on healthcare, some on education. My baby is finance. Hiring Well, Doing Good brings us all to the table to say where are those points of intersectionality. It’s great to have a plan for each individual thing. But we know what really moves the needle on poverty is when everything comes together—when we communicate with one another and transfer data.

We currently have a strong network of community partners who are doing a great job of meeting the immediate needs of our community. Yet there is much more work to be done in order to address systemic poverty. Hiring Well, Doing Good brings each of us to the table and facilitates critical conversations that will lead to a reduction in poverty in our community.


Q: When we are successful in reducing poverty in Columbus, what will that look like in practical terms?

Norman: For me, I believe it’s major improvements in quality of life. That will manifest in many different forms. We won’t know until we see it. When we start to set people free, they’ll be creative in ways we could never have imagined. We’ll see improvements in education, the local economy, and our social and religious culture. We’ll see growth of trust and organic activity in the community. We’ll see an enriching culture here in Columbus. It will cause our city to grow and provide new opportunities.

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