Let’s transform parenting in Georgia! Recapping the Raising Highly Capable Kids kickoff event

Let’s transform parenting in Georgia! Recapping the Raising Highly Capable Kids kickoff event

Let’s transform parenting in Georgia! Recapping the Raising Highly Capable Kids kickoff event

Key Points

  • Positive relationships impact the opportunities and potential future for every child.
  • GCO is partnering with RezilientKids to bring the evidence-based program, Raising Highly Capable Kids to the Gwinnett area.
  • GCO is recruiting partners who are willing to local partners who could hold a class and for adults who might be interested in taking it.

Nothing has more impact on the life of a child than positive relationships.

That basic truth was the cornerstone of a kickoff event March 9 to launch the Raising Highly Capable Kids (RHCK) program across Georgia.

We’re thrilled to report that 43 people representing more than 20 community organizations attended the event at First United Methodist Church of Lawrenceville. The kickoff helped us build an inaugural network of RHCK trainers and liaisons who will help the Georgia Center for Opportunity (GCO) team bring the program to communities.

Attendees at the kickoff event heard from Angela Davis, regional representative for the Southeast region for RezilientKids, the national nonprofit that publishes the RHCK program. She shared how the program will work in Georgia.

Angela Davis of RezilientKids shares the power of Raising Highly Capable Kids with Gwinnett-area leaders.

Angela Davis of RezilientKids shares the power of Raising Highly Capable Kids with Gwinnett-area leaders.

What is RHCK?

GCO has partnered with RezilientKids to present the program to adults across Georgia. RHCK is a 13-week evidence-based parenting program developed to build stronger families by empowering parents with the confidence, tools, and skills they need to raise healthy, caring, and responsible children.

The program increases parents’ knowledge and skill level of the essential building blocks every child needs — the 40 Development Assets from Search Institute, which are proven to increase childhood resiliency and academic achievement.

The lessons are available to schools, nonprofits, churches, and other organizations focused on helping to build stronger families for Georgia — and ultimately stronger communities. Through a community grant issued by RezilientKidz, GCO is facilitating course offerings for interested parents who want to learn more effective skills and strategies as they raise their children.


What’s next?

We’re still looking for partners across Georgia to bring the RHCK program to parents. We are starting an interest list for local partners who could hold a class and for adults who might be interested in taking it.

If you are interested in referring contacts or getting involved in other ways, contact Joyce Mayberry, JoyceM@foropportunity.org, to start the conversation.

The Georgia Promise Scholarship (SB 233): Questions and Answers

The Georgia Promise Scholarship (SB 233): Questions and Answers

The Georgia Promise Scholarship (SB 233): Questions and Answers

Key Points

  • The Georgia Promise Scholarship (Senate Bill 233) is the state’s newest education choice program to empower parents to access the best schooling option for their child. It creates state-funded scholarships that give eligible families $6,500 per student for each school year. 
  • Eligibility is limited to kids attending low-performing public schools, as graded by the Georgia Department of Education. 
  • On April 23, 2024, Gov. Kemp signed SB 233 into law, officially approving the Georgia Promise Scholarship program to launch for the 2025-2026 school year.

Across the country and in Georgia, parents have been calling for more choice and flexibility in K-12 education. Several states have responded to parents’ needs by adopting education savings account (ESA) programs, but Georgia has been slow to catch up

In 2024, Georgia took a major step forward by passing the state’s first-ever education savings account program, the Georgia Promise Scholarship. Starting in the 2025 school year, this program will give eligible families $6,500 state-funded scholarships that they can use to afford the education option best suited to their child’s needs. 

Here’s what parents and voters need to know about Georgia’s newest education opportunity. 

What is the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act (SB 233)? 

The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act (SB 233) is a type of education choice program for parents and families. It creates Promise Scholarships, which are state-administered, state-funded accounts that would give families $6,500 per year and per student to use for approved education expenses. Another common name for this type of program is “education savings accounts.” 

An important distinction for Georgia Promise Scholarships: Eligibility is limited to students in the bottom 25% of Georgia’s public schools. 

How will the Georgia Promise Scholarship work?

The state will set aside the scholarship amount into an account the parent can direct. Parents can use these funds for the education option that best supports their child’s unique learning needs.

In 2024, Georgia Representatives made a few changes to the Promise Scholarship bill that limit its impact:

Funding Cap: Even though Promise Scholarship funding will be separate from public school funding, it cannot exceed 1% of public school funding. At this level, the program can serve an estimated 21,000-22,000 kids at most.

Expiration Date: Unless a future legislative body evaluates the program and chooses to extend it, the Promise Scholarships will end in 10 years. Furthermore, lawmakers will still have to vote to fund the program annually. These measures add a layer of uncertainty, making it difficult to secure a future of success and opportunity for our kids.

Who can apply for a Promise Scholarship? 

To be eligible, families and students must meet the following criteria:

  • Parents must be Georgia residents.
  • The student must be enrolled in an under-performing public school.  
  • The student may be entering pre-kindergarten or kindergarten.
  • Once eligible, a child remains eligible through 12th grade. 
  • The student cannot be enrolled in a local school system, charter school, or state charter school while participating in the scholarship program.
  • Parents must agree to use accounts only for qualifying education expenses.

First priority will be given to students from families below 400% of the federal poverty level—around $120,000 a year for a family of four. Students above that threshold will be allowed to participate if funds are left over after lower-income students are served.

What could Georgia parents use a Promise Scholarship for?

Unlike Georgia’s other school choice programs, Promise Scholarships give parents the flexibility to pay for a range of education options and resouces. Qualifying education expenses include: 

  • Tuition and fees for private schools, vocational programs, or college
  • Cost of online programs or classes
  • Tutoring services
  • Curriculum and textbooks 
  • Technology, including adaptive or assistive technologies for students with special needs
  • Educational therapies
  • Transportation costs

How is the Promise Scholarship amount determined?

Amounts are set at $6,500, which is approximately the average per-pupil amount that the state sends to local school districts, based on Georgia’s current student funding formula.

Are Promise Scholarships currently available in Georgia?

Almost! Georgia passed the Georgia Promise Scholarship in April 2024, and parents will be able to use the program starting in Fall 2025. 

Why does Georgia need Promise Scholarships?

There are three important reasons: 

1. Georgia has a widespread problem of underperforming or failing public schools. At least one in four Georgia students (500,000 kids) are stuck in schools that receive a D or F grade from the Georgia Department of Education. For families seeking alternatives, Promise Scholarships are an opportunity to access other school options, including ones that may not be available or affordable otherwise. 

2. Georgia, like many states, has thousands of parents who are frustrated with a one-size-fits-all school system. This parent movement for more education choice and flexibility has grown since the pandemic. This program would give parents more opportunity to customize their child’s education when the local public school is not the best fit.

3. The program would also benefit parents who want to stick with their local public school. States with robust education choice programs see better outcomes for all students, including those in the public school system. Education savings account programs, in particular, have a track record of empowering public schools to improve their budgets and increase student achievement. 

One in four Georgia kids are stuck in public schools with a "D" or "F" grade across Georgia.

Are Promise Scholarships the same thing as school vouchers?

No, they are two different types of parental choice programs. This question is common because critics of education savings accounts often call them “private school scholarships” or “vouchers by another name.” However, both descriptions are inaccurate and misleading.

School vouchers allow parents to use public education dollars for private school tuition only. Education savings accounts can be used for a wider range of education expenses, and they allow parents more flexibility to pay for multiple education services and products if desired.

Are Promise Scholarships the same thing as 529 plans?

No. With a 529 plan, the parents are responsible for contributing money to the account in order to save for their child’s education expenses. Promise Scholarships would be state-funded and would not require parents to contribute any of their own money. Parents can choose to use a Promise Scholarship Account for education savings, such as saving for college tuition, but the account doesn’t have the same tax benefits that 529 plans do.

Do other states have education savings accounts? 

Yes, 16 states have adopted some form of an education savings account program, including most of Georgia’s neighboring states:

Many states with ESA programs are moving to a universal eligibility set-up, where every kid has access regardless of income, race, zip code, or other circumstance. Georgia will need to be open to this model if we want to keep up and give our kids the best possible opportunities at school and in life. 

Will SB 233 take money away from Georgia’s public schools?

No. The $6,500 scholarship would be funded separately from the Quality Basic Education (QBE) formula that funds students who attend traditional public schools.

While ESAs will be a good solution for certain families, many parents will continue to access education through their local public school. That means states will still need to prioritize sufficient funding for public schools.

Will Promise Scholarships help low-income families? 

Yes. One benefit of education savings account programs is that they are one of the most equitable education choice methods out there. They give students from low-income families more opportunities to access schooling options that are often only available to families with greater financial resources.

The Georgia Promise Scholarship bill makes an intentional effort to support low-income students by giving first priority to students from families below 400% of the federal poverty level (around $120,000 a year for a family of four). 

Will the Promise Scholarship Act (SB 233) hurt homeschooling families? 

No. There are no provisions in the proposed law that would prevent homeschooling families from continuing this schooling option. Instead, SB 233 could make homeschooling an even more feasible option because families who qualify could use an account to pay for curriculum, courses, tutoring, or other educational resources that would enhance their homeschooling experience.

Georgia is one of the top states for economic freedom

Georgia is one of the top states for economic freedom

Financial freedom - ATL

Georgia is one of the top states for economic freedom

Key Points

  • Georgia continues to be one of the most business friendly states. 
  • Georgia did not impose strict lockdowns during the pandemic. 
  • We believe that when the government refrains from heavy-handed intervention in the economy, everything from community life to poverty rates, job opportunities, upward mobility, and life expectancy will keep getting better.

Georgia is one of the most economically free states in the entire country, and that means more opportunity for our residents. That’s according to a new report from the Fraser Institute that tracks economic freedom in North America.

It’s clear that people across the country are realizing what a great place Georgia is to work and raise a family. According to Census.gov, Georgia is also among the top 10 most populous states in the U.S., and our population grew during the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that our economic freedom is directly tied to this influx of new Georgia residents who moved into the state between 2021 and 2022.

The Fraser Institute report backs this statement. In the report, five out of the top 10 states for economic freedom are also in the top 10 list for population growth. Conversely, virtually all the states (roughly 17) losing population over the last few years are among the worst states in the nation for economic freedom.

“The truth is, the economic results Georgia has enjoyed over the past few years translate into our people’s wellbeing.”

“The truth is, the economic results Georgia has enjoyed over the past few years translate into our people’s wellbeing.”

A closer look at Georgia’s economic freedoms

Relative to other states in the U.S., Georgia has a low tax burden. This includes income tax and business taxes. Georgia also has a relatively low regulation on businesses and sole proprietors. 

Georgia’s economic freedoms were already in place before the COVID-19 pandemic, but they became more apparent during the 2020 lockdowns. The Fraser Institute’s study covered the first five months of COVID restrictions in North America, and it showed that many of Georgia’s economic improvements were the direct result of the lack of tight restrictions in our state. 

During 2020, Georgia didn’t impose widespread lockdowns or restrictions. We lifted those restrictions as quickly and reasonably as we could, given the situation. Without the burden of long-term, severe economic restrictions and COVID-related mandates, we gave people and businesses room to grow. 


The good life, with room to grow

The truth is, the economic results Georgia has enjoyed over the past few years translate into our people’s wellbeing. Our economic freedoms here directly impact the daily lives of people from all backgrounds. By virtue of the state government’s low level of intervention, our communities are positioned to continually improve over time. 

While economic freedom may not be experienced the same way by all (because the poor in a free state may not — and likely do not — feel very free), economic freedom generally means that even the poor benefit. That’s because, in free economies, there’s more charitable giving, more organizations who can help, and more job opportunities to help someone escape poverty for good.

Here at Georgia Center for Opportunity, we believe that when the government refrains from heavy-handed intervention in the economy, everything from community life to poverty rates, job opportunities, upward mobility, and life expectancy will keep getting better. We’ll draw people here who want to share in and enjoy those economic opportunities. And together, we can continue working toward creating a brighter future for our state and the people who live here.

We’re helping the water industry over the next five years

We’re helping the water industry over the next five years

The Water Tower water industry

We’re helping the water industry over the next five years

Key Points

  • BETTER WORK Gwinnett and The Water Tower are partnering to expand water industry job training to high school students and young adults. 
  • The water industry will need to fill 1200 positions over the next five years. 
  • Without skilled water workers our community infrastructures will suffer.

BETTER WORK Gwinnett and  The Water Tower are joining forces. The Water Tower is a nonprofit organization “bringing together the public and private sectors of the water industry, side by side with academia and nonprofits, to tackle the industry’s greatest challenges.”  

The next five years are crucial for the water industry as they expect 1200 water-related jobs opening in North Georgia. This generates the need to recruit, train, and vary operations to be most effective for the communities served.  

A career in the water industry transcends pandemics and technology because it is a needed resource no matter what happens around us. To help fill the workforce needs, The Water Tower created training programs in the areas of Water and Wastewater Operators, Lab Analyst, Maintenance Technicians, and Field Technicians. The programs allow participants to receive the education and hands-on experience needed to walk into a living-wage career and not just a job.  

The training course was designed for those in high school work programs, and those who may be already working but looking to expand their knowledge and create a career path in order to provide for themselves and their families.  

Without skilled water laborers, many of the structures, products, and systems that are central to our daily lives would simply not exist. Furthermore, careers in the water industry offer stability, competitive wages, and opportunities for advancement, making them an important pathway to a fulfilling and prosperous life.


From protecting our precious water resources to providing clean and safe drinking water to communities, a career in this field is both fulfilling and impactful.

From protecting our precious water resources to providing clean and safe drinking water to communities, a career in this field is both fulfilling and impactful.

The water industry is a critical component of any healthy and thriving society, and the contributions of skilled laborers are truly invaluable. Careers in this field offer availability in many locations around the state, plus flexible hours to give workers the opportunity to create work-life balance.

To learn more about The Water Tower and the training programs offered, contact our BETTER WORK Gwinnett team. 

From protecting our precious water resources to providing clean and safe drinking water to communities, a career in this field is both fulfilling and impactful.


7 African-Americans Who Fought for Educational Opportunity

7 African-Americans Who Fought for Educational Opportunity

Black History Month School Choice

7 African-Americans Who Fought for Educational Opportunity

Key Points

  • Access to quality education is a top conversation in Georgia and many other states and has been for decades.
  • Stories of black educators offer inspiration for continuing to pursue better education opportunities for every kid. 
  • The examples set by African American educators remind us how critical education is for supporting kids’ mental health, preparing them for jobs, and helping them become active citizens in their communities.

No matter what chapter of history you look at, education is often one of the top issues that states and communities have wrestled with. Even today, Georgia is grappling with the reality that thousands of kids are stuck in underperforming schools, and change is needed if we are going to give them a chance to thrive. 

As we celebrate Black History Month this February, it’s a perfect time to look to the African American community for inspiration on the issue of education. Having suffered obstacles ranging from zero education access to segregation and racism in schools, numerous African Americans throughout our country’s history know firsthand the struggle—and the gift—that education can be. Many have dedicated themselves to the cause of education, driven by a shared passion and vision for giving every kid a quality education, regardless of their race or circumstance of their birth. 

Let’s meet a few of these leaders who dedicated their lives to fighting for more educational freedom and opportunity.   

  1. Charlotte Forten Grimké (1837-1914)

Charlotte Forten Grimké grew up in Philadelphia in a family well-known for its activism against slavery. In her early school years, she was taught at home by tutors. Because Philadelphia’s school system was segregated, Charlotte’s parents sent her to Salem, Massachusetts, where she could attend a more progressive school that accepted Black students. As an adult, Charlotte paid the opportunity of education forward. She attended teacher training school, and during the Civil War, she was the first Black teacher to work at the Penn School in South Carolina, a school established to teach African-American children both while they were enslaved and after they were freed. After the war, Charlotte worked for the Freedmen’s Union Commission and the U.S. Treasury Department to help recruit and train more African-American teachers. 


May those whose holy task it is,

To guide impulsive youth,

Fail not to cherish in their souls

A reverence for truth;

For teachings which the lips impart

Must have their source within the heart.

– From The Journal of Charlotte Forten, 1853

    1. Fanny Jackson Coppin (1837-1913)

    Fanny Jackson Coppin was born into slavery and was not freed until age 12. For the rest of her young adult years, she worked as a servant for author George Henry Calvert in Newport, Rhode Island. Fanny yearned for education, so she used her earnings to employ a tutor for about three hours a week. Thanks to her academic diligence and financial help from an aunt and the local African Methodist Church, Fanny entered Oberlin College, Ohio, which was the first college in the United States to enroll both black and female students. 

    It was at Oberlin College that Fanny embarked on her career as an educator—a vocation that would create learning opportunities for thousands of African Americans. While a student at Oberlin, she taught a free night class for African Americans in reading and writing. The College also appointed her to teach classes at their preparatory division, the Oberlin Academy, making Fanny the first black teacher among the Academy’s faculty. After graduating with her bachelor’s degree in 1865, becoming one of only three African American women to do so, she accepted a position at Philadelphia’s Institute for Colored Youth. Over the course of her career, Fanny would become the first African American woman to serve as a school principal and to fill the role of superintendent of a United States school district. 


    “I feel sometimes like a person to whom in childhood was entrusted some sacred flame…This is the desire to see my race lifted out of the mire of ignorance, weakness and degradation; no longer to sit in obscure corners and devour the scraps of knowledge which his superiors flung at him. I want to see him crowned with strength and dignity; adorned with the enduring grace of intellectual attainments.” – Fanny Jackson Coppin, writing to Frederick Douglass in 1876

    1. Inez Beverly Prosser (1895-1934)

    Inez Beverly Prosser was born into a family that highly valued education. Opportunities were scarce for African American kids during Inez’s childhood, and her family moved often in search of the best education available for Inez and her 10 siblings. Inez’s schooling led her to earn a teaching certificate, a bachelor’s degree, and a master’s degree in educational psychology. 

    Inez had a deep passion for education and believed in its power to change lives. She held various roles as a teacher and assistant principal in segregated schools, but her interest in psychology set her apart from other educators. She devoted herself to understanding and improving the educational and psychological development of African American students. In 1933, she became one of the first black women to earn a PhD in psychology. Her research undertook a pioneering and bold examination of segregation’s impact on black students’ social, psychological, and educational development. Findings and arguments from her dissertation were cited in the larger debate about school segregation, carving out a legacy for Inez as one of the leading advocates for the educational and mental health of African American kids.  


    “I am interested in that type of research which will lead to better teaching in elementary and high schools.” – Inez Beverly Prosser

    “Many have dedicated themselves to the cause of education, driven by a shared passion and vision for giving every kid a quality education, regardless of their race or circumstance of their birth.”

    “Many have dedicated themselves to the cause of education, driven by a shared passion and vision for giving every kid a quality education, regardless of their race or circumstance of their birth.”

    1. Kelly Miller (1863-1939) 

    From his early school days, Kelly Miller showed a talent for math. After an impressive academic career spanning the study of math, sociology, Latin, and Greek, Kelly received a bachelor’s degree from Howard University. He became the first black man to be accepted into Johns Hopkins University for post-graduate work in mathematics, physics, and astronomy. 

    However, Kelly was forced to leave Johns Hopkins when the school increased its fees, and he returned to Howard University where he took a teaching job and continued his own education, earning advanced degrees in math and law. In 1907, Kelly became the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Howard. His passion for education motivated him to modernize the College’s curriculum and to tour states across the South in recruitment of new students. Under his leadership, enrollment tripled, and curriculum improved. 

    “The instruction which you have received here, and upon which your diplomas set a seal, will be of value to you only in so far as you digest and assimilate it, and wisely adapt it to the tasks which lie before you.” — Kelly Miller

    1. Nannie Helen Burroughs (1879-1961)

    Nannie Helen Burroughs was born in Virginia, and after her father’s death, she moved to Washington, D.C., with her mother where she completed high school and graduated with honors. While Nannie’s career began with roles in secretarial and bookkeeping work, education would eventually become her focus. 

    Her mark in education was a unique one: Nannie wanted to help poor, working African American women. She believed that these women should have opportunities to learn skills beyond domestic work, so in 1909, she founded the National Training School for Women and Girls in partnership with the National Baptist Convention and through the support of small donations from the black community. The school provided job training and academic instruction to young black women, giving them the option to enter the workforce and pursue careers. The school was one of the first of its kind in the early 20th century, and Nannie served as its president until her death in 1961. 


    “To struggle and battle and overcome and absolutely defeat every force designed against us is the only way to achieve.” — Nannie Helen Burroughs

    1. Esau Jenkins (1910-1972) 

    Esau Jenkins was a shining example of how community members can contribute to improving education for underserved kids. Having grown up in the era of segregation, Esau knew what it was like not to have access to educational opportunities. If he had anything to do with it, the kids in his South Carolina community would not have to suffer the same injustice. 

    So, Esau and his wife used part of their income to buy a bus to transport their own kids and fellow children on South Carolina’s Sea Islands to schools in Charleston. Esau also used his bus to help adult workers get to their jobs. During these rides, he and his wife would teach the workers about the U.S. Constitution and other information that was required to pass literacy exams and become a registered voter. This experience showed Esau that a better approach to adult education was desperately needed, and he founded the first Citizenship School on Johns Island to provide more structured education for adults, including instruction in basic literacy and politics. Thanks to his efforts, thousands of African Americans became registered voters. 

    Even while supporting adult education, Esau’s motivation to help kids did not falter. In 1951, Esau played a key role in establishing Haut Gap School on Johns Island so that the youth in that community would have a quality education option. Today, Haut Gap is a middle school that functions as a magnet school—a type of public school option that specializes in certain curriculum areas, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), the arts, or vocational training.


    “It takes a pretty large person to love. Any small person can hate.” – Esau Jenkins


    1. Septima Poinsette Clark (1898-1987) 

    Septima Poinsette Clark’s legacy was that of a community teacher. Septima grew up in Charleston, South Carolina—a place where the lines of segregation and class were strictly and harshly drawn, especially when it came to education. Septima was a bright student. After sixth grade, she tested directly into ninth grade at the Avery Institute and graduated from high school in 1916. Financial constraints prevented her from attending college, but even without a degree, she passed the state examination that allowed her to teach. 

    Charleston did not allow African Americans to teach in its public schools, so Septima took a teaching job in the rural community of Johns Island just outside of Charleston. Throughout her 40 years as an educator, Septima had various jobs where she would teach children during the day. At night, on her own time, she would teach African American adults how to read and write and, in the process, she developed several innovative methods to help them pick up these skills more quickly. Septima believed that literacy and citizenship went hand-in-hand, so as she taught basic literacy skills, she also helped adults learn about their rights and become informed, registered voters. Through her work, she became an influential civil rights leader and activist, known as “The Mother of the Movement” by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and many others. 


    “What we are working for is an educational program that has become a resource and rallying point for scores of brave southerners who are leading the fight for justice and better race relations in these crucial days.”

    New survey shows spike in misbehavior among K-12 students

    New survey shows spike in misbehavior among K-12 students


    New survey shows spike in misbehavior among K-12 students

    Key Points

    •  A new survey puts forward more evidence of increased social and behavioral problems among students in K-12 public schools arising from the pandemic.

    • Georgia parents need more education options for their children. 
    • GCO is working to bring a new curriculum, called Raising Highly Capable Kidz (RHCK), to schools, nonprofits, churches, and other outlets across the state.

    We’ve paid a lot of attention to learning loss arising from school shutdowns during the pandemic, and rightly so. The results of the latest Nation’s Report Card from the U.S. Department of Education, for example, show test scores in reading and math in public schools at their lowest levels in decades.

    But there is another side to the cost of school closures that doesn’t get as much attention — the social side. Now, a new survey puts forward more evidence of increased social and behavioral problems among students in K-12 public schools arising from the pandemic.

    According to the annual School Pulse Panel published by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute for Education Sciences, more than eight in 10 public schools “have seen stunted behavioral and socioemotional development in their students because of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    The survey went on to find that “minor offenses, such as tardiness and classroom disruptions, are the most frequently cited illicit behaviors that have increased in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    Here are some notable excerpts from the survey:

    • 84% of surveyed public school leaders said the pandemic had “negatively impacted the behavioral development of students” in their schools
    • 30% reported an increase in bullying as a result of the pandemic
    • 33% reported physical attacks between students
    • 36% reported threats of physical attacks or fights between students
    • 49% reported a jump in student “rowdiness outside of the classroom (e.g., hallways, lunchroom)”
    • 56% reported “classroom disruptions from student misconduct”
    • 42% reported “use of cell phones, computers, other electronics when not permitted”
    • 24% reported vandalism
    • 11% of public schools reported an increase in physical attacks on teachers or staff members influenced by the pandemic
    • 13% reported threats to injure a teacher or staff member
    • 36% reported verbal abuse of teachers or staff members.


    The Raising Highly Capable Kids model is built on an evidence-based program that teaches 40 developmental assets that reduce risky behavior in kids and teens. We are looking for partners to help bring this to our community.

    The Raising Highly Capable Kids model is built on an evidence-based program that teaches 40 developmental assets that reduce risky behavior in kids and teens. We are looking for partners to help bring this to our community.

    Where to go from here

    So, what are we supposed to do with this information? Here are three takeaways.

    1. Learning loss is only part of the equation

    We must remember that other factors are also at play beyond learning less when determining strategies to help students recover. Isolation, increased screen time, chance of physical or emotional abuse, substance abuse, and general anxiety over the direction of society are just some of the factors in play here. And the sad reality is that many of these negative trend lines were already in place for young people prior to the pandemic. The pandemic simply revealed and worsened them.

    1. Georgia needs more options

    The struggles students are facing in public schools underscores the need for a diverse menu of educational options, open and available to all families regardless of income or zip code. Every student deserves an education customized to his or her individual needs and aptitudes. This is why tools like an Education Scholarship Account are so important. An ESA in Georgia would empower parents to pick the best educational option — or the best assortment of educational tools — for their unique student.

    In the last session of the Georgia Legislature, lawmakers fell short of passing ESAs in the form of Promise Scholarships, which would have allotted $6,000 a year for families to choose alternative educational approaches. The Georgia Center for Opportunity team is hopeful things will be different this session and that ESAs will finally become a reality.

    1. Students in traditional public schools need help, too

    Even as educational options expand in Georgia, the fact remains that most families will still choose their locally zoned public school. These students need help, too. That’s why GCO is working to bring a new curriculum, called Raising Highly Capable Kidz (RHCK), to schools, nonprofits, churches, and other outlets across the state. RHCK is a 13-week evidence-based parenting program developed to build stronger families by empowering parents with the confidence, tools, and skills they need to raise healthy, caring, and responsible children. The course works through 40 key development assets to help kids.

    The GCO team will be working to roll out the RHCK curriculum across Georgia in the coming weeks and months, so stay tuned for more!