Why parental involvement is key to a child’s health

Why parental involvement is key to a child’s health

RHCK Parent involvement

Why parental involvement is key to a child’s health

Key Points

  • Parental involvement makes a big difference in children’s development.
  • Students with involved parents have better attendance and behavior, get better grades, demonstrate better social skills and adapt better to school.
  • Parents need access to tools, which is why we are launching Raising Highly Capable Kids (RHCK) to assist parents in the daily efforts of child-rearing and to increase childhood resilience and academic achievement.

“The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day,” said chemist and author O.A. Battista.

This simple statement communicates a powerful truth about the welfare of children—that parental involvement makes a world of difference. 

“As a community leader and family life educator, I work with families often,” says Joyce Mayberry, vice president of family for the Georgia Center for Opportunity. “With all of those interactions, you begin to notice consistencies. One that I notice across all demographics is that the youth who have parents involved in their lives are successful in almost every aspect.”

We tend to know this instinctively, but it’s also a connection supported by research. 

Parental involvement is tied to children’s academic success, behavior, and overall well-being

With that being said, it’s necessary to define what “parent involvement” actually means. The National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) defines parent involvement as the participation of parents in every facet of children’s education and development, from birth to adulthood, recognizing that parents are the primary influence in children’s lives.  

Studies have shown that parents’ engagement has a significant and holistic impact on children. It improves everything from academic success to behavior and overall well-being. According to the National PTA, when parents are involved, their children are more likely to:

    • Earn higher grades and test scores
    • Have better attendance
    • Be more motivated and engaged in school
    • Have fewer behavioral issues
    • Graduate high school and attend college

The Annie E. Casey Foundation concludes that students “whose parents stay involved in school have better attendance and behavior, get better grades, demonstrate better social skills and adapt better to school.”

In addition, parent involvement has been linked to better communication and relationships between parents and children.

“Youth who have parents involved in their lives are successful in almost every aspect.”
– Joyce Mayberry, GCO Vice President of Family 

“Youth who have parents involved in their lives are successful in almost every aspect.”
– Joyce Mayberry, GCO Vice President of Family 

Fostering better parental involvement in Georgia

There several aspects that contribute to ensuring that our children grow into their best selves. One of the most important factors is giving parents tools and support to understand and nurture their child’s development.

That’s why we at Georgia Center for Opportunity offer a program called Raising Highly Capable Kids (RHCK). RHCK is a 13-week evidence-based parenting program that empowers parents with the confidence, tools, and skills they need to raise healthy, caring, and responsible children.

The program teaches parents the essential building blocks every child needs. These building blocks are based on the 40 Developmental Assets from the Search Institute, which are proven to increase cognitive and emotional development, academic achievemement, social skills, and more. 

RHCK workshops are a resource available to schools, nonprofits, churches, and other organizations focused on helping to build stronger families—and ultimately stronger communities—across Georgia. 

Learn about RHCK workshops in your community

Get information about workshops offered through our Parents First Initiative partnership in Lawrenceville. 

Contact our Family Team at family@foropportunity.org if you are interested in partnering with us to bring RHCK classes to your area. 

Education successes from the 2023 Georgia legislative session

Education successes from the 2023 Georgia legislative session

education outcomes 2023

Education successes from the 2023 Georgia legislative session

We have much to celebrate as the 2023 Georgia legislative session comes to a close. At the same time, there is still much work to be done. That’s what this blog post is all about. First, we’ll take a look at recent victories in the area of education during the session. Then, we’ll talk about the road ahead—what still needs to be accomplished for the good of Georgia’s schoolchildren and families.

The Georgia Center for Opportunity team serves as an important source of information to lawmakers on the impact new laws can have on communities around Georgia, particularly the poor and underrepresented.

School literacy bills

A bright spot in the 2023 legislative session was the passage of two literacy bills that will improve reading and writing skills among Georgia’s kids. According to the Georgia Department of Education, only 64% of Georgia’s third-graders read at or above grade level. These bills will pave the way for our children to enjoy greater literacy, which will impact their educational and professional future.

Here is more about the two bills:

House Bill 538: The Georgia Early Literacy Act requires the state Board of Education to “approve high-quality instructional materials to be used for teaching students in kindergarten through third grade.” This will give Georgia an opportunity to raise the bar on literacy education for public school students in every community. 

Senate Bill 211: This legislation establishes the Georgia Council on Literacy. The Council will work with local school systems to develop a five-year plan to improve reading and writing among Georgia’s students. Coupled with state-approved instructional materials, we have renewed hope for seeing significant improvements in literacy over the next few years.


School safety

The next bill passage regards school safety, which is always an incredibly important topic, but which has received heightened attention in recent months. Here’s a look at the coming changes.

    • House Bill 147: The Safe Schools Act requires local school districts to develop safety plans and submit those plans to the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS). Because of the heightened threats on schools these days, having districts work with the experts at GEMA/HS will increase the safety of our children.

 It’s important to act quickly, and act together, for the benefit of our kids.

 It’s important to act quickly, and act together, for the benefit of our kids.

School accreditation

Finally, let’s go over the school accreditation bill that passed during this year’s session. 

    • Senate Bill 204: This legislation puts parameters on what K-12 school accreditation organizations can consider when they evaluate school districts. The bill is designed to address concerns that these organizations were limiting local elected school boards’ important discussions and debates.


Bad news from the 2023 Georgia legislative session

Now for the bad news. Despite passing in the Senate and making significant gains in the House, the Promise Scholarship bill (SB 233) didn’t get enough votes to pass on the last day of session. This delay has forced 500,000+ kids in failing public schools to wait yet another year for this critical education option.

Georgia’s General Assembly missed opportunities to adopt three other good education reforms. We’ll address each, but first, we’ll cover what happened to SB 233. 


What happened to promise scholarships?

The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act, SB 233, would have given parents $6,500 per year, per student to find the right education options for their kids. This would have opened up many non-traditional options, including private school, for families who want alternatives to the public school route. Eligibility would have been narrowed to around 400,000 kids stuck in the bottom 25% of public schools, based on the Georgia Department of Education’s evaluation.

    • The Promise Scholarship bill passed the Senate with unanimous support from Republican senators but, sadly, received no support from Democratic senators. It went all the way to the House of Representatives for a vote. The fact that the bill made it that far in the legislative process is good news.
    • On the last day of session, SB 233 received 85 votes in the House—six votes short of the 91 needed for passage. Sixteen Republican representatives voted against the bill. All but one Democratic representative voted against SB 233: the brave Rep. Mesha Mainor (Atlanta), who voted for the bill on behalf of her constituents’ interests.
    • Thankfully, SB 233 is still on the table for the 2024 legislative session. In the meantime, Georgia students stuck in underperforming schools will be forced to wait another year for this education option to be considered.

The ugly: Public school transfers, charter school management, and tax credit scholarships

As promised, let’s look at three other important opportunities the Georgia Legislature missed during the 2023 session. None of the following bills gained the traction they needed, depriving Georgia families and children of important or increased educational opportunities for at least one more year. 

    • Senate Bill 147 would have allowed students to transfer to attend better public schools, even if it was in a different school district. Other states like Arizona, Florida, and Indiana have seen success with similar laws. The bill never gained any traction, but can be considered again next year.
    • House Bill 318 would have streamlined the oversight of state- and locally-authorized charter schools. The bill passed the House and Senate with bipartisan support, but late amendments to the bill delayed the process. The Legislature adjourned for the session without the opportunity to agree to the Senate changes.
    • House Bill 54 would have increased the cap on Georgia’s Tax Credit Scholarship program from $120 million to $130 million. After going through changes in the House, the bill passed that chamber and moved on to the Senate. In a raucous Senate Committee meeting, the Tax Credit Scholarship portion of the bill was amended several times with unfriendly amendments, and ultimately, the bill died. Fortunately, the program is still operating under the existing cap of $120 million, giving Student Scholarship Organizations the opportunity to continue serving many Georgia students.

Looking toward 2024

While Georgia made important strides forward in school literacy, safety, and accreditation for 2023, there’s still much to be desired when it comes to opportunities for students and their families. It’s our mission to continue championing the value of bills like SB 233. Putting school funding into the hands of parents who wish to depart from the state’s status quo only makes sense; families’ tax dollars should support whatever educational path they choose. 

Likewise, school choice and tax credit scholarships should be open to a wider demographic of families statewide. It’s important to act quickly, and act together, for the benefit of our kids. As we look forward to the next legislative session, we’ll do everything we can to champion positive change.

Arkansas creates educational opportunity. It’s time for Georgia to step up

Arkansas creates educational opportunity. It’s time for Georgia to step up

student struggling with school work.

Arkansas creates educational opportunity. It’s time for Georgia to step up

Key Points

  • Arkansas is the fourth state in the U.S. to legislate universal educational opportunity — the others are Arizona, Utah, and Iowa.
  • Georgia Senate passed the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act (SB 233) in a 33-23 vote. It will go on to the House next, where it has traditionally faced more opposition.
  • Georgia Senate passed the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act (SB 233) in a 33-23 vote. It will go on to the House next, where it has traditionally faced more opposition. 

Arkansas recently joined a growing list of states that have approved Education Scholarship Accounts, empowering parents to make the best decisions for their child’s unique educational needs.

The accounts, called Education Freedom Accounts (EFAs), will contain around $6,600 in funds per student every year. Families can then use the available funds to pay for education-related fees, including tuition, tutoring, textbooks, therapies, and other costs which have been approved by the state. 

It will take three years to fully phase in the act. By the end of the third year, all students in Arkansas will be eligible for EFAs.

The creation of these accounts makes Arkansas the fourth state in the U.S. to legislate universal educational opportunity — the others are Arizona, Utah, and Iowa.

Now, Georgia could be next.

Last week, the Georgia Senate passed the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act (SB 233) in a 33-23 vote. It will go on to the House next, where it has traditionally faced more opposition. 

If enacted into law, the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act would fund $6,000 per student every school year. Promise Scholarships would give families the financial freedom to select an educational environment that best fits their child’s needs. A wide range of educational expenses would be approved under the act, including tutoring, virtual classes, private school tuition, homeschool curriculum, special needs therapies, technology, college courses, and more. 

In the wake of the pandemic, parents nationwide are demanding more options for their children’s education. Learning loss is one of many major crises to arise from nationwide lockdowns. At Georgia Center for Opportunity, we believe it is the state’s responsibility to help reverse that loss.

Families across the state need access to more opportunities now. With Promise Scholarships, Georgia’s children will have more opportunities to excel at school. Every child deserves empowerment through a high-quality education that works best for him or her. We believe that Georgia should lend support to every educational option for its students, including alternatives like homeschooling and virtual learning. 

Promise Scholarships would give families the financial freedom to select an educational environment that best fits their child’s needs.

Promise Scholarships would give families the financial freedom to select an educational environment that best fits their child’s needs.

Over the past few years, more and more families have embraced alternatives to public education. While the majority of students across Georgia still attend public schools (and will likely continue to in the future), a growing minority of families are choosing differently. And, as the nation collectively faced an unprecedented pandemic, parents began to realize how many options were available to them outside the traditional school system.

Traditionally, families who select private schools or opt to homeschool receive no financial support to do so. Despite that choice, their tax dollars continue to fund public schools whose services they do not use. 

Parents with special needs children struggle to find school systems that will accommodate their children’s needs. Often, they find that one facility lacks all the important resources they need so their children can thrive at school. While they could opt to build a hybrid program for their children, which might include home healthcare or virtual classes, those alternatives are cost-prohibitive. 

Ultimately, we believe that tax dollars should follow each child, meeting their unique needs along the way. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to education. Public, private, home, and virtual education are of equal value, and as each family decides what is best for their children, Georgia should be willing to meet them where they are. 

As the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act moves to the House, we urge you to contact your local representative to advocate for this bill. Our children can’t wait any longer for educational support that fits their individual needs and allows them to thrive. The future is depending on us.


Let’s transform parenting in Georgia! Recapping the Raising Highly Capable Kids kickoff event

Let’s transform parenting in Georgia! Recapping the Raising Highly Capable Kids kickoff event

Let’s transform parenting in Georgia! Recapping the Raising Highly Capable Kids kickoff event

Key Points

  • Positive relationships impact the opportunities and potential future for every child.
  • GCO is partnering with RezilientKids to bring the evidence-based program, Raising Highly Capable Kids to the Gwinnett area.
  • GCO is recruiting partners who are willing to local partners who could hold a class and for adults who might be interested in taking it.

Nothing has more impact on the life of a child than positive relationships.

That basic truth was the cornerstone of a kickoff event March 9 to launch the Raising Highly Capable Kids (RHCK) program across Georgia.

We’re thrilled to report that 43 people representing more than 20 community organizations attended the event at First United Methodist Church of Lawrenceville. The kickoff helped us build an inaugural network of RHCK trainers and liaisons who will help the Georgia Center for Opportunity (GCO) team bring the program to communities.

Attendees at the kickoff event heard from Angela Davis, regional representative for the Southeast region for RezilientKids, the national nonprofit that publishes the RHCK program. She shared how the program will work in Georgia.

Angela Davis of RezilientKids shares the power of Raising Highly Capable Kids with Gwinnett-area leaders.

Angela Davis of RezilientKids shares the power of Raising Highly Capable Kids with Gwinnett-area leaders.

What is RHCK?

GCO has partnered with RezilientKids to present the program to adults across Georgia. RHCK is a 13-week evidence-based parenting program developed to build stronger families by empowering parents with the confidence, tools, and skills they need to raise healthy, caring, and responsible children.

The program increases parents’ knowledge and skill level of the essential building blocks every child needs — the 40 Development Assets from Search Institute, which are proven to increase childhood resiliency and academic achievement.

The lessons are available to schools, nonprofits, churches, and other organizations focused on helping to build stronger families for Georgia — and ultimately stronger communities. Through a community grant issued by RezilientKidz, GCO is facilitating course offerings for interested parents who want to learn more effective skills and strategies as they raise their children.


What’s next?

We’re still looking for partners across Georgia to bring the RHCK program to parents. We are starting an interest list for local partners who could hold a class and for adults who might be interested in taking it.

If you are interested in referring contacts or getting involved in other ways, contact Joyce Mayberry, JoyceM@foropportunity.org, to start the conversation.

Georgia is one of the top states for economic freedom

Georgia is one of the top states for economic freedom

Financial freedom - ATL

Georgia is one of the top states for economic freedom

Key Points

  • Georgia continues to be one of the most business friendly states. 
  • Georgia did not impose strict lockdowns during the pandemic. 
  • We believe that when the government refrains from heavy-handed intervention in the economy, everything from community life to poverty rates, job opportunities, upward mobility, and life expectancy will keep getting better.

Georgia is one of the most economically free states in the entire country, and that means more opportunity for our residents. That’s according to a new report from the Fraser Institute that tracks economic freedom in North America.

It’s clear that people across the country are realizing what a great place Georgia is to work and raise a family. According to Census.gov, Georgia is also among the top 10 most populous states in the U.S., and our population grew during the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that our economic freedom is directly tied to this influx of new Georgia residents who moved into the state between 2021 and 2022.

The Fraser Institute report backs this statement. In the report, five out of the top 10 states for economic freedom are also in the top 10 list for population growth. Conversely, virtually all the states (roughly 17) losing population over the last few years are among the worst states in the nation for economic freedom.

“The truth is, the economic results Georgia has enjoyed over the past few years translate into our people’s wellbeing.”

“The truth is, the economic results Georgia has enjoyed over the past few years translate into our people’s wellbeing.”

A closer look at Georgia’s economic freedoms

Relative to other states in the U.S., Georgia has a low tax burden. This includes income tax and business taxes. Georgia also has a relatively low regulation on businesses and sole proprietors. 

Georgia’s economic freedoms were already in place before the COVID-19 pandemic, but they became more apparent during the 2020 lockdowns. The Fraser Institute’s study covered the first five months of COVID restrictions in North America, and it showed that many of Georgia’s economic improvements were the direct result of the lack of tight restrictions in our state. 

During 2020, Georgia didn’t impose widespread lockdowns or restrictions. We lifted those restrictions as quickly and reasonably as we could, given the situation. Without the burden of long-term, severe economic restrictions and COVID-related mandates, we gave people and businesses room to grow. 


The good life, with room to grow

The truth is, the economic results Georgia has enjoyed over the past few years translate into our people’s wellbeing. Our economic freedoms here directly impact the daily lives of people from all backgrounds. By virtue of the state government’s low level of intervention, our communities are positioned to continually improve over time. 

While economic freedom may not be experienced the same way by all (because the poor in a free state may not — and likely do not — feel very free), economic freedom generally means that even the poor benefit. That’s because, in free economies, there’s more charitable giving, more organizations who can help, and more job opportunities to help someone escape poverty for good.

Here at Georgia Center for Opportunity, we believe that when the government refrains from heavy-handed intervention in the economy, everything from community life to poverty rates, job opportunities, upward mobility, and life expectancy will keep getting better. We’ll draw people here who want to share in and enjoy those economic opportunities. And together, we can continue working toward creating a brighter future for our state and the people who live here.

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