Building Trust In A Relationship – Part 2

Can you build trust too soon?

Tina Taylor, an experienced professional counselor for more than ten years, joins us for part 2 of our discussion on trust.

Often times when building a new relationship, there is a tendency to experience disappointment as a result of trusting too much too soon in a relationship. Together we will earn practical ways to determine if another is trustworthy before investing time and emotion into a new relationship.

Within established relationships, trust is often times broken or betrayed. We explore pratical tools for relationships seeking to restore trust.


Below is the outline to follow along with as she presents.


A. What is Trust

1. Misconceptions
2. Definition

B. Who Builds Trust

1. Everyone
2. Those who betrayed
3. Those who have been betrayed

C. How to Build Trust

1. Trust Wheel (seeking to gain or restore trust)
2. Making Changes (those who betrayed trust)

a. Admit you were wrong
b. Gain new information
c. Effort to correct
d. Time

D. Conclusion

1. As one seeking to trust- Keep your head before your heart

2. As one restoring trust- It is work. Do the work.

Need More Information or Interested In Talking To A Licensed Professional?

Building Trust In A Relationship – Part 1

Trust is foundational to any successful relationship.

Tina Taylor, an experienced professional counselor for more than ten years, joins us to discuss the principle of trust. Whether you are building a new relationship or seeking to restore trust in a marriage, this webinar will give you both the confidence and the tools you need to building trust.


Below is the outline to follow along with as she presents.


A. What is Trust?

1. Misconceptions

2. Definition

B. Who Builds Trust

1. Everyone

a. Building – hair stylist, mechanic

b. Rebuilding – established relationships

c. Regaining – after an offense

C. How to Build Trust

1. Trust Wheel (seeking to gain or restore trust)

2. Making Changes (those who betrayed trust)

a. Admit you were wrong
b. Gain new information
c. Make an effort to correct
d. Time

D. Conclusion

1. As one seeking to build or rebuild trust- Keep your head before your heart

2. As one seeking to regain trust- It is work. Do the work.

Need More Information or Interested In Talking To A Licensed Professional?

Join GCO In Sharing Your Inspirational Family Photos

Join GCO In Sharing Your Inspirational Family Photos

The kids are on summer break and the parents are looking to make the most of the time together.
What do you do? Family road trip? Go to the park for a barbecue? Head out to the local ballpark and catch a game?

Family Activities Equals Family Values

Whatever you do this summer, do it with the purpose of connecting (or reconnecting) with family.  Join GCO’s Healthy Family Initiative as we promote and foster family-promotion.

While many understate the importance of family, we know that a strong family can lead to the support necessary for opportunity.  This is especially true to those that are stuck in poverty.

Share and Inspire

Because of this we are asking everyone to share and tag their family fun on social media with the hashtag #HFISummerFun.  This lets your followers and all that use the tag view and be inspired by the value of a strong family.

Even if you don’t have pictures of your own to share, simply liking or commenting can go a long way to get out the message of the importance of family.

His college graduation was delayed by prison. Now a Perry student has a second chance.

His college graduation was delayed by prison. Now a Perry student has a second chance.

Joshua Brown will tell you without much prompting that he served three years in prison for aggravated assault.

He’s not proud of it. But he owns it. The Vidalia native, who lives in Perry, said his jail sentence was the result of a series of bad decisions.

Two-thirds of those released from prison in Georgia will likely be rearrested within three years of their release, according to the Georgia Center for Opportunity’s Prisoner Reentry Initiative.

Read the full article here