SB 233: Georgia Promise Scholarships Would Help Thousands of Students. Why Did Some Districts Vote Against It?

SB 233: Georgia Promise Scholarships Would Help Thousands of Students. Why Did Some Districts Vote Against It?

Promise Scholarships would give Georgia students stuck in failing schools the opportunity to access schooling options better suited to their needs.

SB 233: Georgia Promise Scholarships Would Help Thousands of Students. Why Did Some Districts Vote Against It?

Key Points

  • On March 29, 2023, Georgia Promise Scholarships (Senate Bill 233) failed by only a few votes in the House of Representatives. These leaders had another chance to vote on the bill in 2024.  
  • SB 233 creates a much-needed education option for students zoned for a school ranked in the bottom 25% of Georgia publis schools. Of the 16 Republicans who voted against Promise Scholarships in 2023, 13 have schools in the bottom 25%. 
  • More research is showing that more education choice helps public schools and translates to better academic achievement, especially for low-income students.

On March 29, 2023, the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act (Senate Bill 233) failed by a vote of 85-89 in the House of Representatives, despite passing the Georgia Senate on March 6, 2023. 

At the time, that was the furthest that an education savings account bill had advanced in the Georgia Legislature. Despite having support from Governor Brian Kemp, Lt. Governor Burt Jones, and Speaker Jon Burns, the bill still came up six votes short of passage in the House.

Georgia needs Promise Scholarships to build its future workforce and prosperity

In late 2023, Governor Brian Kemp announced a new program called Georgia Match. Georgia Match seeks to connect every high school senior with a post-secondary education path that meets each student’s needs. The program brings unprecedented cooperation between the Georgia Department of Education, The Technical College System of Georgia, and the University System of Georgia. It’s not an exaggeration to say this program can potentially transform Georgia’s educational system and workforce.

SB 233 would allow students zoned for a school ranked in the bottom 25% for two consecutive years, according to Georgia’s College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI), to use a Promise Scholarship. 

  • Promise Scholarships would allow these families to access education options that they might not otherwise be able to afford or use. The scholarship could be applied to private school tuition, homeschooling materials, or other educational expenses defined in the bill.

  • The state would put the scholarship amount ($6,500) in a parent-directed account controlled by the state of Georgia for these purposes.

Based on CCRPI scores, which were last calculated in 2018-2019, 298 schools currently fall into the bottom 25% criteria. These schools are located all across Georgia, but mostly in areas of high poverty.

It’s important to note that limiting the Promise Scholarship to only the bottom 25% of schools doesn’t cover all the schools in Georgia that receive D or F grades in CCRPI.

To see Georgia Match fulfill its potential, K-12 students must be prepared to succeed in the post-secondary education path they choose—especially those students eligible for a Promise Scholarship and those who deserve better economic and social opportunities to escape poverty. 

“Our job is not decide for every family but to support them in making the best choice for their child.” — Gov. Brian Kemp, 2024 State of the State Address

“Our job is not decide for every family but to support them in making the best choice for their child.”
— Gov. Brian Kemp, 2024 State of the State Address

 [16 Republican legislators opposed Promise Scholarships in 2023. Here’s why they should have changed their vote.

Over the past 10 years, Republican governors and legislators have passed and tried to implement reforms meant to improve Georgia’s lowest-performing public schools. From the failed Opportunity School District constitutional amendment to the all-but-gutted Chief Turnaround Officer legislation, efforts for transformational reform within the traditional public school system have been stifled.

Many of the schools in question also receive intensive assistance from the Department of Education (DOE) via the Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) and Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) programs. These programs require schools to develop improvement plans in close collaboration with DOE officials. 

While these programs have helped, there’s an important detail that voters and parents should know about. Several of these schools in the bottom 25% of CCRPI performance today were schools that qualified for the Opportunity School District program back in 2015. 

In other words, these schools are still among our state’s lowest-performing schools after eight years of intensive assistance. Should we continue to tell parents to wait for another program? If your children or grandchildren were zoned for these schools, would you tell them to wait?

For several legislators, including 16 Republican Representatives, the answer has been “yes.”

Of the 16 Republican legislators who voted against SB 233 in 2023, 13 have public schools in their districts that are in the bottom 25%. Yet all 16 of these districts have private schools ready to accept more students. In addition, Georgia has a robust homeschooling community in all corners of the state, as well as a burgeoning microschool movement. Promise Scholarship recipients can access these options no matter where they live.

Get the answers to common questions about the new Georgia Promise Scholarship program.

Georgia’s Promise Scholarship Explained
Find out what the program is, how it works, and which students will be eligible. 

To meet Georgia’s diverse student needs, the answer is to expand parental options.

If we truly want Governor Kemp’s Georgia Match program to succeed, parents need more options. If we truly want all of Georgia’s students to obtain a quality education and pursue post-secondary education that prepares them for a meaningful career and a stable life, parents need more options. If we want Georgia’s economy to continue to thrive and attract new industries to our state, parents need more options.

Expanding parental options will lift our entire educational system. To see this in action, all we need to do is look south. A November 2023 study of Florida’s educational landscape found that as school choice programs matured, the positive effects were felt across the board, including within the public schools:

“We find that as public schools are more exposed to private school choice, their students experience increasing benefits as the program matures. In particular, higher levels of private school choice exposure are associated with lower rates of suspensions and absences, and with higher standardized test scores in reading and math.”

The students showing the most gains? Students with low–socioeconomic status (SES). 

Far from harming public schools, school choice actually improves public schools. Georgia’s students deserve to have this opportunity as well.

With SB 233, Georgia legislators had an incredible chance to set Georgia students on a path toward academic success and a bright future. Thankfully, SB 233 and Georgia’s kids received the support needed from lawmakers, and the Georgia Promise Scholarship passed in April 2024. The progam will become available for Georgia parents and students in Fall 2025. 

The Marriage Penalty: A Barrier to Relational Support and Better Opportunities for the Poor

The Marriage Penalty: A Barrier to Relational Support and Better Opportunities for the Poor

The marriage penalty is a government tax policy that increases the tax burden on low-income households trying to pursue better lives and economic mobility through marriage.

The Marriage Penalty: A Barrier to Relational Support and Better Opportunities for the Poor

Key Points

  • A lack of connection and supportive relationships, especially at home, is a driving factor of long-term poverty. Marriage is one type of relationship that research has shown to be a building block of stable lives and communities.

  • Communities in Georgia and beyond are struggling with a barrier called the marriage penalty—a government tax policy that forces couples to pay more in taxes as a result of increasing household income through marriage. 

  • The marriage penalty tax discourages those in poverty from improving their financial situation and forming strong support systems at home.

Strong relationships are a cornerstone of vibrant communities. Of the many types of relationships in day-to-day life, research shows that marriage is one of the most important for empowering individuals, regardless of race or circumstance, to avoid long-term poverty and find stability and opportunity. 

But communities in Georgia and beyond are struggling to reap the benefits of marriage—and a big reason is a government tax policy called the marriage penalty.  

Why does marriage matter for those in poverty?

We celebrate marriage because it provides people with relational connection and support. When we think about helping someone escape or avoid long-term poverty, we might assume that a person’s economic needs are most important to address. But that would be missing a critical piece of the puzzle. 

A lack of connection and supportive relationships, especially at home, is a driving factor of long-term poverty. 

Those in poverty often need this relationship and support system to a greater level, which is why we at GCO emphasize the benefits marriage offers for individuals, children, and communities. Higher marriage rates tend to go hand-in-hand less crime, better education outcomes, less child poverty, and more upward mobility

Of course, not every person will get married, but the impact that close, healthy relationships have on the stability of lives and communities cannot be understated.

The impact that close, healthy relationships have on the stability of lives and communities cannot be understated. In fact, it’s one of the biggest factors in helping people overcome long-term poverty.

The impact that close, healthy relationships have on the stability of lives and communities cannot be understated. In fact, it’s one of the biggest factors in helping people overcome long-term poverty.

Understanding the marriage penalty tax

A marriage penalty occurs when a couple faces higher taxes as a result of marrying and filing jointly. Higher taxes are linked to higher income, so it might seem like the marriage penalty is simply an inconvenience for households with high enough earnings to afford it. 

But the marriage penalty poses a significant problem for low-income households, as well. It creates a financial risk if one or both spouses are receiving government benefits and getting married would increase household income. That increase can trigger a sudden loss in benefits—even if households aren’t fully earning enough to offset the loss. This scenario holds particularly true for couples who earn a modest income—those in the working class or lower middle class earning around $28,000 to $55,000 a year.

Marriage penalties apply at the federal tax level, but there are 15 states that also have marriage penalties built into their state income tax brackets. Georgia is one of them.

Georgia is one of 15 states that have a marriage penalty built into the state income tax structure.

Marriage penalties stifle financial independence

The gap between the “haves” and the “have nots” has increased when it comes to marriage. While the wealthy and upper middle class continue to marry at high rates, marriage is far less common among the poor, working class, and lower middle class.

According to data from the 2015 American Community Survey, 56% of adults between the ages of 18 and 55 are married who fall into the upper middle class. That contrasts with 39% of those in the working class and just 26% of those who are poor.

There are many reasons why marriage rates have declined for these groups, but in the realm of government policy, the marriage penalty is one of the most discouraging factors. 

For example, a single mom with a few kids would need to find a spouse who earns a significantly higher salary than her in order to overcome the loss of benefits if they chose to get married. In some cases, the penalty is so extreme that she would need to marry someone earning more than $40 per hour—or more than $80,000 annually if full time—to recover from the loss in safety-net benefits like food stamps, refundable tax credits, and medical assistance.

Through a focus group organized by GCO and the Institute for Family Studies, we met Tiana, who experienced this situation firsthand. “I chose not to marry,” she told us. “For one, I get a lot of assistance. I have a disabled child. So being if I did marry or put any other type of income in, I would not qualify for anything.”

More than one-in-10 unmarried Americans whose income falls below the median reported they were not married for fear of losing “access to government benefits,” according to a recent IFS/Wheatley Institution survey. The research indicates that penalties can amount to between 10% and 30% of household income for many families in the poor and working-class income brackets.

Marriage penalties discourage strong support systems at home

The bottom line is that the marriage penalty harms many of the poor who are working and attempting to make a better life for themselves and their families. It does so by discouraging the very thing we know impacts poverty the most—family and relationship formation. 

Fewer marriages is bad news for children: Social science research shows, time and again, that children do best in a stable, married two-parent household.

Married households have the lowest poverty rate of any household configuration at just 6.3% in 2020. Meanwhile, one-in-three children live in a single-parent household today, 80% of those households being headed by a single mom. And the unfortunate reality is that single-mom households are the most likely to be in poverty of any family structure in the U.S.—a staggering 34% in 2020, accounting for over 5.1 million children in poverty.

Solutions to eliminate the marriage penalty tax

The ultimate solution to eliminate marriage penalties is federal action to reform how government benefits are structured. However, states can take the lead as they streamline eligibility standards and form individual action plans.

That’s why GCO is hard at work at in Georgia and across the country to educate lawmakers on the perils of benefits cliffs and possible fixes. 

At the end of the day, however, government reforms are only part of the solution. The institutions of marriage and family are suffering not only from government obstacles, but also societal challenges. Civil society organizations—such as churches, nonprofits, and schools—are critical avenues for local support and examples of how to cultivate healthy family relationships. While this is not something that government programs can accomplish, classes and curriculum may be incorporated into case management.

Americans deserve a strong safety net that serves as a bridge out of poverty. But no government program or policy should be a barrier to the relationships needed in the places where lives are formed and transformed— in homes and communities.

Understanding How Benefits Cliffs Impact Those In Poverty

Understanding How Benefits Cliffs Impact Those In Poverty

podcast microphone on a desk

Understanding How Benefits Cliffs Impact Those In Poverty

Benefits Cliffs are a complex issue that is undermining the goals of the safety net system. Far too often individuals are trapped in a cycle of poverty because the system does not provide an incentive or path out. We discuss the issue and what we are doing to shine a light on this important issue for anyone on welfare or safety net services.


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You can also watch the video of the full podcast on YouTube.

Public School Transfers: How to Go to a School You’re Not Zoned for in Georgia

Public School Transfers: How to Go to a School You’re Not Zoned for in Georgia

Mother walking students to a local public school.

Public School Transfers: How to Go to a School You’re Not Zoned for in Georgia

Key Points

  • Public school transfers are an education option that allows parents to move their child to a public school they’re not zoned for (as long as the school has space). 
  • Georgia currently allows public school transfers within a student’s current district, but not outside of it. 
  • Parents must apply for a public school transfer. Scroll down to find out how to check with your local school district for availability and application deadlines.

Public school transfers explained

Public school transfers, also referred to as open enrollment for public schools, allow parents to move their student to a public school different from the one they’re zoned for. 

This is a great option for states to provide because it increases flexibility within the public school system—something parents increasingly want. The majority of Georgia students (84%) attend public school, so transfers are a way to empower parents to choose the public school environment that’s right for their child.

Types of public school transfers available in Georgia

  • Allowed: Transfers within assigned school districts. Georgia offers restricted public school transfers. Families can send their child to any school within their assigned local district as long as that school has space and has been operating for at least four years. This option is known as intra-district transfer. 

  • Not yet allowed: Transfers outside of assigned school districts. Another type of public school transfer, called “inter-district transfer,” permits students to switch to a public school outside of the district they are zoned for. This option is not allowed in Georgia yet. Georgia lawmakers would need to pass a bill to make it available to families.

There’s a better vision for education in Georgia: Every child able to access quality education without restrictions of wealth, race, circumstances of birth, or zip code.  

There’s a better vision for education in Georgia: Every child able to access quality education without restrictions of wealth, race, circumstances of birth, or zip code.

How Georgia’s public school transfers work

Parents must contact the local school system to see which schools will accept transfers and for which grades. The Georgia Department of Education provides a list of public school contact information

Each school system is required to notify parents by July 1 about which schools have space. Many systems post this information on their websites before July 1. Most districts only allow transfers at the beginning of the school year, but all can elect to accept students throughout the year. 

Parents must then apply for a transfer though their district’s website, at the district office, or at the local school. If more students apply than there is space available, some school systems will make decisions on a first come, first served basis. Others will hold a random lottery.

Apply for a public school transfer: Requirements and steps to know

Parents must contact the local school system to see which schools will accept transfers and for which grades. The Georgia Department of Education provides a list of public school contact information

Each school system is required to notify parents by July 1 about which schools have space. Many systems post this information on their websites before July 1. Most districts only allow transfers at the beginning of the school year, but all can elect to accept students throughout the year. 

Parents apply for a transfer though their district’s website, at the district office, or at the local school. If more students apply than there is space available, some school systems will make decisions on a first come, first served basis. Others will hold a random lottery.

Eligibility requirements 

  • A student must be enrolled in a public school in Georgia. 

School options

  • Transfers open up access to other public schools within a student’s neighborhood. 
  • Transfers do not apply to public schools outside a student’s assigned district. They also do not apply to non-public schools. 
  • A student who transfers to another public school may continue to attend that school until completing all grades of the school.

Cost to families 

  • School systems cannot charge tuition for students transferring within their district. 
  • Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. 

Five application steps to know

1. Contact your local school system to see which schools accept transfers and in which grades.

2. Check your school system’s website by July 1. Each system is required to notify parents annually about which schools have space available. State law requires school systems to post this information by July 1, but it’s often available earlier so consider setting a reminder to check the website as early as April or May.

3. Access a transfer request on your district’s website, at the district office, or at your local school. Complete the transfer application (note: some school systems require parents to do this step in person at the district office).

4. Application periods can be as short as one to two weeks. For many districts, this application window is in June or July. In other areas, it can be as early as January. Get in touch with your district or check their website early and often so you don’t miss any deadlines.

5. The school system will notify parents about whether their transfer request was accepted or denied. If more students apply than there is space available, school systems will make decisions on a first come, first served basis or through a random lottery. 

How Georgia can expand public school options 

Georgia lawmakers could expand opportunities within the public school system by removing all restrictions on transfers and allowing both inter-district transfers (access to public schools in different districts) and intra-district transfers (access to public schools in a student’s current district).

To set up a successful transfer program, there are a couple of state examples Georgia could look to:

Example: Florida’s unrestricted open enrollment

Example: Wisconsin’s open access to any school district

  • Over 70,000 students are thriving in school, thanks to Wisconsin’s cross-district open enrollment policy, which allows students access to any public school inside or outside of their district.
  • A unique feature of Wisconsin’s program is that, when a student moves to a new school district, a large chunk of their state funding goes with them. Another portion is left behind in the student’s old district to help offset costs associated with student transfers.
  • Through this arrangement, families can meet their needs, and public schools enjoy an incentive to accept transfers.

In the 2024 legislative session, the Georgia Senate is considering a bill (Senate Bill 147) that would let students transfer to a different public school either in their current district or outside of it. 

Georgia’s 2024 Legislative Session: An Agenda to Lift Up Vulnerable Communities

Georgia’s 2024 Legislative Session: An Agenda to Lift Up Vulnerable Communities

Georgia state legislature, 2024 session

Georgia’s 2024 Legislative Session: An Agenda to Lift Up Vulnerable Communities

Key Points

  • As Georgia lawmakers convene for the 2024 legislative session, multiple bills are on the table that could break down barriers in poor and disadvantaged communities.

  • A key issue to track: education opportunity. Lawmakers have a chance to enact several options, including Georgia Promise Scholarships (SB 233), expansion of the Tax Credit Scholarship Program, and public school transfers. 

  • Other bills to know include job licensing reforms to expand work opportunities for people with criminal records (SB 157) and a reform to better connect welfare and work support in Georgia (HB 738)

Georgia lawmakers are back in Atlanta for what could prove to be the most impactful legislative session in years. Georgia’s legislature is considering multiple bills that could break down barriers facing poor and disadvantaged communities.

The timetable is short. The session will end by March 28, so time is of the essence if our elected officials are going to improve the quality of life for the people they serve. Below is a list of a few bills our team is watching and working on to lift up vulnerable and low-income communities across Georgia. 

Our hope for the 2024 session: Give more Georgians better pathways out of poverty and into opportunity 

“During the 2024 session, we hope to see tremendous progress on expanding school choice through passage of Senate Bill 233, the Promise Scholarship bill,” said GCO’s vice president of public policy, Buzz Brockway. “In addition, we hope to see an increase in the cap on Georgia’s Tax Credit Scholarship program, which would also expand private school options parents have.”

“We also will be working on seeing SB 157 passed into law,” Brockway added. “This bill will create a pathway for people with a criminal record many years in the past to obtain an occupational license, opening up opportunities for many people to earn a living and support their family. Finally, we hope to make progress on reforming how Georgia delivers workforce and safety-net programs, placing people on a pathway toward self-sufficiency.”

Education: Expanding schooling options to help families find the best fit for their kids 

  • SB 233, Promise Scholarships: Would make $6,500 per student available for parents to direct toward the best educational opportunities for their children. The funds would be available for use for private school tuition and public school alternatives, such as homeschooling. The scholarships would only be available to students enrolled in the lower 25% of schools in Georgia, amounting to around 400,000 students. Status: The Georgia Senate passed the bill in 2023 but it fell short in the House by a 85-89 margin. However, it is eligible for reconsideration this session. In his recent State of the State address, Gov. Brian Kemp gave full-throated support to getting Promise Scholarships passed this year. To learn more, view our primer on Promise Scholarships.
  • SB 147, public school district transfers: Would allow students to transfer to a different public school within their district or a different district. This would provide much needed support for the majority of families who chose to continue sending their students to public schools in Georgia. Status: The Senate tabled this bill in 2023 but it is eligible for consideration this year.
  • HB 54 and HB 101, Tax Credit Scholarship cap increase: Would raise the cap on the Tax Credit Scholarship from $120 million to $130 million. Through this program, businesses and individuals can donate toward private school scholarships for K-12 students enrolled in public schools. In return, they receive a dollar-for-dollar state income tax credit. In 2022, lawmakers raised the cap from $100 million to $120 million, but demand continues to increase, making another jump necessary. Status: The measures weren’t considered in 2023 but they are eligible for reconsideration this year.
  • HB 318, improve charter school laws: This measure would reestablish the Office of Charter School Compliance under the State Charter Schools Commission. Currently, two entities oversee charter schools in Georgia: The State Charter School Commission oversees state authorized charter schools, while the Georgia Department of Education oversees charters authorized by local boards of education. This creates confusion and differences in application of laws and rules governing charter school laws. HB 318 would bring oversight of all charters under one roof, providing more resources and uniformed application of laws and rules regarding charters. Status: Both chambers passed this bill in 2023 but the Senate amended it and the House did not reconsider the changes. The bill is eligible to be considered this year.

Safety-net reform: Connecting our welfare system to work support

  • One Door task force bill in Georgia, HB 738: Our nation’s welfare system is a fragmented hodgepodge of programs. The dozens of programs that make up the system have different and, at times, competing goals, inconsistent rules, and overlapping groups of recipients. At the same time, there is often a disconnect between safety-net programs and welfare-to-work initiatives. The end result is that people stay mired in generational poverty rather than receiving a helping hand to live a better life. In this environment, the GCO team is on the vanguard of educating about safety-net reform. A key way we are doing so in Georgia is by pushing forward this legislation to create a One Door task force in the state. The task force would study how to integrate the safety net with workforce development, in line with the successful One Door approach in Utah. Other states, including West Virginia and Louisiana, are weighing similar proposals. So why not here in Georgia? Status: The bill was introduced in the House in 2023 and is now moving through committee this year.

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Occupational licensing and public safety: Increasing personal safety and job opportunities in local communities 

  • Senate Bill 157, appeals process for justice involved individuals: Would create a preclearance process in licensing of individuals with criminal records who make an application to or are investigated by certain licensing boards and commissions. Often, returning citizens from the criminal justice system face huge barriers in finding work, and we know that attachment to work is a significant determinant of an individual not ending up back behind prison walls. Status: This measure was added to the House Rules calendar last year but didn’t receive any attention.

  • House Bill 212, Niche-Beauty Services Opportunity Act: Would offer barbers and cosmetologists the opportunity to provide services like blow-dry styling, braiding, threading, and the application of cosmetics without requiring licensure by the State Board of Cosmetology and Barbers. Occupational licensing is needed in some industries and job categories due to public health and safety concerns, but the laws on the books today in many cases are an unnecessary roadblock to employment for workers. Status: The House tabled the bill last session but it is eligible for consideration this year.

  • House Bill 334: Expungement: Would revise Georgia’s requirement that criminal history records be disclosed in certain situations. Known as expungement, this is an important step for individuals who have served their time and need to reintegrate into the workforce. Status: The bill was amended onto Senate Bill 157 but never came to a vote.

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Building Better Work: The Power of Community and Business Partnerships

Building Better Work: The Power of Community and Business Partnerships

teamwork, people, hands, business partner, corporate business, nonprofit business

Building Better Work: The Power of Community and Business Partnerships

Key Points

  • Our BETTER WORK program harnesses the transformative power of local partnerships to get more people hired and build prosperous, stable communities.

  • Four standout collaborators—Essendant, Neighborhood Cooperative Ministries, D.P. Jones Electrical, and Chattahoochee Valley Episcopal Ministries (CVEM)—are showing how business and nonprofit involvement can fuel economic opportunity and serve the holistic needs of those working to escape poverty.

  • Together, GCO and our partners are dedicated to more than building better work. We’re building environments where everyone has a chance to reach their full potential.

In the tapestry of a thriving community, threads of collaboration weave a narrative of hope and opportunity for those who need it most. The collective efforts of local organizations, community leaders, and neighbors form the foundation upon which individuals facing challenges can build a brighter future. 

In the pursuit of creating a more prosperous and stable community, the Georgia Center for Opportunity’s (GCO) BETTER WORK program has harnessed the transformative power of partnerships. Among these alliances, four standout collaborators—Essendant, Neighborhood Cooperative Ministries, D.P. Jones Electrical, and Chattahoochee Valley Episcopal Ministries (CVEM)—exemplify how synergy between businesses and nonprofits makes it possible for communities to experience greater transformation and well-being. 

Essendant: A Distributor with a Difference

Type of Business: Distinguished distribution company based in Suwanee, Georgia.

Partnership History: Has been an employer partner in GCO’s BETTER WORK Gwinnett (BWG) program since August 2022. 

Their Impact: Essendant’s involvement is not merely transactional—it represents a commitment to community growth and development. By actively participating in the BETTER WORK program, Essendant contributes to the creation of a more vibrant and economically stable community. 

  • Their commitment to the program is evident in their proactive approach, going above and beyond in reaching out and interviewing every candidate referred by GCO.
  • Their consistency in communication has been a cornerstone of their partnership. By keeping us updated on the progress of candidates, they ensure a transparent and collaborative process.
  • Three individuals referred by BWG have been employed at Essendant for over three months, highlighting the tangible impact of this partnership on local employment opportunities.

Neighborhood Cooperative Ministries: Nurturing Communities, Transforming Lives

Type of Business: Nonprofit organization in Norcross, Georgia.

Partnership History: Has been a community partner since the inception of GCO’s BETTER WORK program. 

Their Impact: NCM has stood as an unwavering partner, embodying values of compassion, faithfulness, and trustworthiness that align seamlessly with the BETTER WORK initiative’s people-centric approach. Their impact extends well beyond the professional realm, delving into the core of individual needs. 

  • Their comprehensive support system—encompassing financial aid, shelter, and food resources—plays a pivotal role in empowering candidates referred by the BETTER WORK program. 
  • NCM’s commitment to addressing the holistic needs of individuals creates an environment where securing employment becomes a stepping stone toward self-sufficiency.
  • Together, BETTER WORK and NCM orchestrate various initiatives, with NCM hosting job events that connect job seekers with potential employers. NCM’s clients benefit from the invaluable support provided by the BETTER WORK program, including job coaching, resume assistance, and essential career advice.

“Through these partnerships, GCO and our collaborators are doing so much more than building better work. We are tirelessly constructing a better future for all, fostering an environment where individuals can reach their full potential and proving that this approach is possible for any community seeking hope and opportunity.”

“Through these partnerships, GCO and our collaborators are doing so much more than building better work. We are tirelessly constructing a better future for all, fostering an environment where individuals can reach their full potential and proving that this approach is possible for any community seeking hope and opportunity.”

D.P. Jones Electrical: Illuminating Opportunities

Type of Business: Family-owned and operated business established in 1939. 

Partnership History: Recent addition to the employer partner network for BETTER WORK Columbus. 

Their Impact: D.P. Jones Electrical brings with them a legacy of customer satisfaction and an eagerness to give back to the community. 

  • Their commitment to offering opportunities is exemplified by the employment of a BETTER WORK candidate who was initially feeling defeated in his job search.

  • The collaborative efforts between the candidate, the BETTER WORK team, and D.P. Jones Electrical resulted in permanent full-time employment. Edward Russel, the newest member of the D.P. Jones’ team, expresses his appreciation for working in a company that values him and shares his family values.

  • The company’s commitment to on-the-job training provides individuals like Edward with the chance to learn a trade while supporting their families.

Chattahoochee Valley Episcopal Ministries (CVEM): Empowering Communities in Times of Need

Type of Business: A non-profit outreach ministry in Columbus, GA

Partnership History: Community partner with BETTER WORK Columbus

Their Impact: CVEM stands as a beacon of support for individuals facing great need or crisis. 

  • Collaborating with BETTER WORK Columbus, CVEM addresses concerns related to housing, medical expenses, household furnishings, education, and job-related expenses. 
  • Their flexibility and responsiveness empower individuals to succeed as they position themselves for better job opportunities and futures.

Partnerships Unlock the Life-Changing Power of Work

It’s through local partnerships that we are able to help more people achieve a better life through the power of work. Partners like Essendant, Neighborhood Cooperative Ministries, D.P. Jones Electrical, and Chattahoochee Valley Episcopal Ministries are a few of the shining examples that illustrate the positive outcomes that come from strategic alliances. 

Through these partnerships, GCO and our collaborators are doing so much more than building better work. We are tirelessly constructing a better future for all, fostering an environment where individuals can reach their full potential and proving that this approach is possible for any community seeking hope and opportunity. 

Learn More About Partnering with BETTER WORK

If you are connected to a business or nonprofit organization interested in collaborating with our local BETTER WORK chapters, go here to learn more and contact us: