Can we restore safety to Atlanta?

Can we restore safety to Atlanta?

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Can we restore safety to Atlanta?

Key Points

  • The Georgia Center for Opportunity is releasing a new report on rising violent crime in Atlanta and ways to address it.
  • Most crimes tend to cluster in compact, high-density regions controlled by violent gangs.
  • Foster trust between community members and law enforcement and social services, with a specific focus on safeguarding the rights of victims.

The Georgia Center for Opportunity is announcing a new report on violent crime in Atlanta, which highlights the city’s recent spike in violent crime and how to mitigate it. 

Josh Crawford, Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at GCO, developed the report, along with recommendations for reducing violent crime in Atlanta.  

“The brief and its recommendations are designed to create a base level of what order and public safety should look like across the board,” Crawford says. “It’s imperative that we have an intentional conversation about the state of crime in Atlanta now, and how we can improve that for the future.” 

According to Crawford’s report, criminal activity reduces opportunities in both small communities and metropolitan areas, destabilizing them in the process. In addition, crime devalues both businesses and individuals in those areas. 

Although there have been positive steps toward improvement in Atlanta during recent years, there’s still work to be done. Some of those measures still need to be implemented, while other solutions need to be developed. In his report, Crawford shares a number of recommendations.

A Dramatic Spike in Violent Crime

Since 2018, the rates of violent crime and homicide have increased dramatically in Atlanta. The largest spike occurred during 2020 and was a reflection of the broader trend nationwide. Between 2009 and 2017, homicides in Atlanta tended to average 90 or fewer, with a few exceptions in 2008 (105) and 2016 (113).

Since the rise in violent crime began in 2018, Atlanta has not experienced a year with fewer than 80 murders, with an additional 217 people murdered over the previous decade’s average. 

On top of the rising crime, many convicted violent criminals in Georgia aren’t serving out their full sentences. As a result, they’re being released back onto the streets long before their sentences end. For example: 

  • Attempted murder convicts released during 2022 had only served 7.91 years of their sentences on average, or 35.78% of the time they were meant to serve
  • That same year, aggravated assault convicts had only served 4.03 years on average, or 29.57% of their sentences
  • Felons convicted of unlawful possession of a firearm had served only 2.83 years on average, or 27.29% of their full sentences

To make matters worse, a dip in law enforcement personnel has coincided with the rise in crime.

Pinpointing High-Crime Areas in and Around Atlanta

Crawford says that the majority of crime tends to be concentrated in small, dense areas controlled by violent gangs. 

“We have to focus our efforts on gang-controlled areas across the city,” he says. “By doing that, we’ll start to see significant gains. It’s a more effective approach than trying to broaden our reach.” 

Once law enforcement has pinpointed high-crime areas, Crawford says they can then implement a series of strategies he calls “focused deterrence.” In other words, incidences of violent crime–such as homicides and shootings–would theoretically be reduced. This result is possible through concentrated social service and law enforcement activities in these gang-controlled sectors. 

Using the combined, competent approach of law enforcement and social services would enable individual criminals to undergo rehabilitation. These measures would emphasize getting to the root of the problem, and helping each person to make the necessary changes to his or her life. 

“We believe it’s not possible to truly help reduce crime without directly addressing the person or problem where it originates,” Crawford says. 

Atlanta Homcide Stats

 “It’s imperative that we have an intentional conversation about the state of crime in Atlanta now, and how we can improve that for the future.”

– Josh Crawford, Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at GCO

Atlanta Homcide Stats

“It’s imperative that we have an intentional conversation about the state of crime in Atlanta now, and how we can improve that for the future.”

– Josh Crawford, Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at GCO

More Recommendations for Improving Community Safety 

In addition to narrowing the focus to areas of high gang activity and addressing individuals wherever possible, there are also things that can be done to improve community safety in those areas. Here are some of the steps Crawford recommends. 

  • Address disrepair in Atlanta’s communities by expanding cleanup efforts, tearing down or renovating abandoned buildings, and installing adequate street lighting
  • Build trust between community residents and law enforcement and social services, particularly through protecting the rights of victims
  • Remove egregious offenders from communities by implementing gang-enhancement provisions such as SB44 (2023) that keep these individuals incarcerated
  • Improve and require pre-entry cognitive behavioral therapy services for all juvenile offenders, no matter how non-violent their offenses
  • Reevaluate reentry programs through an external third party, examining the impact on revocation, rearrest, and reconviction 

Through this strategic, multi-layered approach, Crawford estimates that it would be possible to reduce Atlanta’s caseload to no more than six homicides each year. 

‎The Steve Gruber Show: Joshua Crawford, Homicides Are on the Decline—Except Where Progressives Reign Supreme on Apple Podcasts

‎The Steve Gruber Show: Joshua Crawford, Homicides Are on the Decline—Except Where Progressives Reign Supreme on Apple Podcasts

Georgia news, in the news, current events, Georgia happenings, GA happenings

‎The Steve Gruber Show: Joshua Crawford, Homicides Are on the Decline—Except Where Progressives Reign Supreme on Apple Podcasts

Dive into the latest episode of ‘Criminal Insights’ with guest Joshua Crawford, Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at the Georgia Center for Opportunity. Explore the surprising correlation between declining homicides and progressive policies, as Josh uncovers thought-provoking insights that challenge conventional wisdom. Tune in for a fresh perspective on crime and governance.
‎The Steve Gruber Show: Joshua Crawford, Homicides Are on the Decline—Except Where Progressives Reign Supreme on Apple Podcasts

Getting Serious about Juvenile Violence in Boston

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Getting Serious about Juvenile Violence in Boston

In many circles across the country, Boston is heralded as the model of violent crime reduction. Home to the “Boston Miracle” in the 1990s, many of the nation’s best practices in policing originated in this city and then spread across the country over the last two decades.

But that doesn’t mean Boston is without its challenges. Juvenile gun arrests increased 83% in 2022. The number of “incidents involving weapons resulting in discipline” increased 44% in Boston Public Schools from September 2022 through February 2023 compared to the same time the years before. And by October of last year, more juveniles had been shot than in all of 2021. A recent number of high profile attacks by juveniles and murders of juveniles are forcing policymakers and advocates alike to search for solutions.


‎The Steve Gruber Show: Joshua Crawford, Homicides Are on the Decline—Except Where Progressives Reign Supreme on Apple Podcasts

Josh Crawford Talks What’s Behind The Crime Rise, Airhorn For Crime, Moment of Biden and more by Leland Conway

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Josh Crawford Talks What’s Behind The Crime Rise, Airhorn For Crime, Moment of Biden and more by Leland Conway

Tune in to the latest episode of the Lealand Conway Podcast as we dive deep into a crucial and timely discussion about the rise in crime sweeping across the nation. Joining Leland is none other than Josh Crawford, Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives, a renowned expert in the field with a wealth of experience and insights.


In this episode, Lealand Conway sits down with Josh Crawford to unravel the complex web of challenges contributing to the surge in crime rates. As the Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives, Josh brings unparalleled expertise to the table, shedding light on the factors driving this concerning trend.


Together, they explore the multifaceted nature of the issue, touching on topics like socioeconomic disparities, community engagement, law enforcement strategies, and more. But this episode goes beyond just discussing the problems – it’s all about realistic solutions.


Discover the innovative approaches that communities, policy-makers, and individuals can adopt to foster safer neighborhoods and build resilient societies. Josh Crawford brings his in-depth knowledge to the microphone, outlining pragmatic steps that can make a tangible difference.

If you’re concerned about the safety of your community and want to be part of the solution, this episode is a must-listen. Gain valuable insights from a thought-provoking conversation that challenges preconceptions and paves the way for positive change.


‎The Steve Gruber Show: Joshua Crawford, Homicides Are on the Decline—Except Where Progressives Reign Supreme on Apple Podcasts

Homicides Are on the Decline—Except Where Progressives Reign Supreme | Opinion

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Homicides Are on the Decline—Except Where Progressives Reign Supreme | Opinion

The Council on Criminal Justice has released their mid-year crime report for 2023. It shows two major things: Homicides appear to be declining nationally, but the trends in individual cities are vastly different. In the first six months of 2023, homicides were down 9 percent overall in 30 American cities compared to the first six months of 2022. But while 20 cities had lower homicide rates, 10 cities had more homicides in 2023 than 2022. The variation between cities ranged from homicides being down 59 percent in Raleigh, NC to being up 133 percent in Lincoln, NE.

Why are some cities continuing to see increases in violence while the general trend is downward? The answer is that while many cities have increased funding to police and cracked down on gangs, some continue to cling to liberalism’s worst ideas about crime, punishment, and individual accountability.

Washington, D.C. is one of the cities in the Council report where homicides continue to rise—up 11 percent over the first half of 2022. In recent years, the nation’s capital has defunded the police—twice—and attempted to lower penalties for serious acts of violence, including carjacking, which has led to a dramatic increase in carjackings in recent years.