by Georgia Center for Opportunity | Aug 22, 2014
A word from our CEO, Randy Hicks
Election years get noisy, don’t they? Perhaps it’s just me, but they actually seem to be getting noisier with every election cycle.
On the brighter side, election years always remind me of why the Georgia Center for Opportunity’s policy work is so important: Politicians come and go but GCO is always here, contending for the things you care about, no matter who’s in public office.
That’s what we’ve been up to this election year – working on what matters to you. And because you’ve been a friend of the Georgia Center for Opportunity, I’d like to update you on our work over the past few months.
I am also writing to ask you to renew your support for the Georgia Center for Opportunity by continuing to invest in our work – and by taking advantage of the opportunity to double your gift. We can’t do any of this without you!
As you know, the Georgia Center for Opportunity believes that one of the defining ideas of America is a nation where everyone has an opportunity to achieve a better life. Like you, we believe that people from all walks of life should have the chance to succeed through talent and hard work, regardless of the circumstances of their birth.
GCO’s mission is to remove barriers to that kind of opportunity in Georgia.
The barriers we remove include those that interfere with healthy family formation, that limit access to quality education, and that promote dependency rather than self-sufficiency. Sometimes those barriers are personal, other times they’re cultural, and still other times they’re governmental. Our work takes aim at those barriers. For example, in recent months GCO has:
- Published a report with recommended alternatives to Medicaid expansion that would increase Georgians’ access to quality healthcare.
- Produced prisoner reentry policy recommendations that were signed into law and adopted by the Governor’s office that increase the likelihood of ex-offenders finding and maintaining work, a key successful reentry and public safety.
- Incubated Breakthrough Ambassadors, a community-based, mostly student-led program that prepares students for success both academically and professionally.
Here’s a deeper look at those issues and why GCO tackled them:
Charity Care as an Alternative to Medicaid Expansion
Given the constant fiscal crisis in Washington, it is our view that states must start finding creative ways to help those in need without looking to the federal government for help. And we recognize that some of the most compelling alternative solutions are developed at the community level, not in government offices.
For the past several months, much of GCO’s research has been focused on identifying ways we, as a state, can provide healthcare access for individual, poor, uninsured Georgians without expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
In the process, we found local, sustainable ways to address the problem at a fraction of the long-term costs associated with the ACA. We propose reforms that will offer better health outcomes and stabilize financial burdens for Georgia families while maintaining responsible and sustainable levels of government spending. One of the best ways to meet the need for access to healthcare is Georgia’s charity-care network.
In 2012, Georgia’s charity clinics served nearly 200,000 individuals and saved the state over $200 million. They did all this without any support from the state. But with relatively modest support from the state – and some other changes to various laws and regulations – the charity care network could serve hundreds of thousands more. (You may access the report at
Our next step is to education lawmakers about the steps they must take to serve individuals and families who may not have access to quality care.
Prisoner Reentry
Georgia’s incarceration rate is the highest in the country: about 1 in 13 Georgians are under some form of state supervision, versus 1 in 31 nationally. That’s a staggering difference. And between 1990 and 2011, Georgia’s prison population more than doubled to nearly 56,000 inmates. State spending on corrections soared as well, from $492 million to more than $1 billion annually. Despite this substantial investment, Georgia’s 30% recidivism rate had remained virtually unchanged for a decade.
Simply put in terms of dollars and cents, Georgia cannot afford these costs. But more importantly, we cannot afford the tragic human costs.
So, think about this: If we reduced the rate at which ex-offenders lapsed into criminal behavior by a very doable 10 percent, we would reduce the state costs of incarceration by $60 to $70 million per year. But more to the point, that ten-percent reduction would represent about 2000 ex-offenders who will have successfully reentered society, likely found employment, and quite possibly reconnected with their families in positive ways. That’s a pretty large-scale win-win!
You see, through our experience working to strengthen families, we have seen the social problems that arise from parents cycling in and out of prison. We have seen the impact this instability can have on children’s intellectual, social, and emotional development. And we have seen ex-offenders working hard to overcome barriers to successful reentry.
Over recent months, through our research and work with prisoner reentry experts, we have proposed and successfully advocated for solutions to remove unnecessary barriers to reentry. As I said, three of those policy recommendations were signed into law in April, and two additional recommendations were adopted by the Governor’s office.
The formula was this success? Excellent research, expert partners and effective advocacy. That’s what we do.
A Community Focus: Breakthrough Ambassadors
GCO remains a leading advocate for school choice in Georgia. In recent years, we helped lead the charge to create Georgia’s Special Needs Scholarship and Tuition Tax Credit programs; and more needs to be done to increase access to quality education. But we also recognize that it’s important that our public schools perform well, and that a higher percentage of kids in those schools graduate and get on the path toward a productive and satisfying life.
To that end, GCO created and launched Breakthrough Ambassadors, which is a mentoring program that provides high school students with service and leadership opportunities designed to enhance post-high school success. The current pilot program was created to support the Breakthrough Norcross initiative that has an overarching goal to increase the number of Norcross Cluster students who graduate from high school.
More than 120 Norcross HS students are now participating in programs and events that expose them to various colleges, career paths, and service opportunities and assist them in improving academic performance.
In the coming years, we will be replicating the program in communities around the state, so that many more students will have the opportunity to succeed.
As you can see, we’ve been quite busy. Which is exactly how we like it.
We are grateful for men and women like you who support our work, invest in the future of Georgia, and make our success possible.
Your renewed support for the Georgia Center for Opportunity will help us continue to do the kind of work I’ve described, work that’s designed to remove barriers to opportunity so that all Georgians – and Georgia’s families – have a real chance to prosper.
Will you please consider making a special gift $75, $150, $250, or even as much as $500, $1000 or whatever your means allow. And thanks to the generosity of a key GCO supporter and the GCO board, any gift given between now and August 31st will doubled.
Thank you for your investment in GCO’s mission and work.
You may make a secure donation online here.
by Georgia Center for Opportunity | Jul 24, 2014
This is the sixth entry in a series of posts highlighting GCO’s new report – Increasing Access to Quality Healthcare for Low-Income Uninsured Georgians. The first entry provided an overview of the report, the second looked at Georgia’s healthcare safety net, the third explained the impact of uninsurance, the fourth focused on Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act, and the fifth highlighted challenges to expanding access to healthcare.
While there are significant challenges to providing low-income uninsured Georgians with quality healthcare, there are cost-efficient, state-based solutions Georgia can implement in the short-term that can positively impact health outcomes for Georgians in the coverage gap.
Provide State Government Support for Georgia’s Charity Clinics
The state’s 96 clinics served more than 183,000 unique patients and saved the state over $200 million in 2012 while not receiving any state funding. However, other state governments do financially support their charity clinics. Virginia provides $3.5 million to its 53 clinics; Ohio gives $435,000 for 46 clinics; West Virginia provides $4.3 million to 11 clinics; and South Carolina recently approved $2 million for 51 clinics.[i]
The state’s existing charity clinics have the capacity to serve more patients, but funding and unnecessary state restrictions limit their ability to meet their full potential. The Georgia Charitable Care Network requested a $2 million appropriation from the Georgia legislature in 2014.[ii] Since clinics’ can provide $7 worth of services for every $1 spent, this relatively small amount of government funding would allow clinics to be open more hours and serve an estimated 100,000 additional patients.[iii] With the increase in funds, the expansion in capacity could take place at many clinics with little delay, providing much needed care to Georgia’s most vulnerable citizens. However, funding for Georgia’s charity clinics was not included in the state’s FY 2015 budget.
While a $2 million appropriation would allow Georgia’s current clinics to serve more patients, over 40 percent of counties do not have a charity clinic. A larger appropriation would allow for the Georgia Charitable Care Network to help underserved communities open new clinics. Since many rural areas have limited access to care, new clinics could have a significant impact on communities across the state.
In 2015, the state should provide $10 million in funding to support the dramatic expansion of current clinics and the creation of new ones in underserved communities. Compared to the $2.1 billion cost of Medicaid expansion over ten years, this appropriation is affordable for the state and sustainable in the long-term while still expanding access to quality healthcare to a significant portion of the state’s low-income uninsured population.
Expand Telemedicine into Charity Clinics
Telemedicine is the provision of care through real-time interactive communication between the patient and provider from one site to another via electronic communications. The electronic communication – which usually includes at least video and audio – allows a provider to care for a patient at a different location. Telemedicine can be used to provide primary and specialty care, remote patient monitoring, and medical education. Care through telemedicine can take place at hospitals, clinics, community health centers, nursing homes, and schools.[iv]
Telemedicine has improved access to care for many individuals – especially those in rural areas that have a physician shortage – because instead of traveling across the state to see a provider, a patient can go to a local clinic or hospital and be connected with a provider located anywhere in the state. Telemedicine has been shown to reduce the cost of healthcare and increase efficiency through better management of chronic diseases, reduced travel times, shared health professional staffing, and fewer or shorter hospital stays.[v]
Georgia has one of the most robust and developed telemedicine networks in the country, but Georgia’s charity clinics are not currently using telemedicine. Utilizing telemedicine in the clinics would enhance their ability to deliver services. Setting up telemedicine presentation sites in charity clinics would allow providers to volunteer their time at clinics across the state without leaving their office. This would be especially beneficial to individuals who live in rural areas and often do not have access to specialty care.
Charity clinics currently do not have the capital to purchase the technology and infrastructure required for telemedicine, which is relatively inexpensive given the benefit it provides.[vi] The Georgia legislature should include funding to pilot the use of telemedicine in its charity clinic appropriation.
Modernize Nurse Practitioner Laws and Regulations
Many nurse practitioners and other mid-level providers deliver care to patients at charity clinics as employees or volunteers. However, the ability of NPs to provide care is limited by Georgia’s restrictive laws and regulations.
Georgia should join the one-third of states that provide full practice authority to NPs. By implementing the licensing model recommended by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine, NPs will be able to provide the high level of care that they are educated and prepared to provide at charity clinics and other healthcare facilities across the state.[vii]
While many physician associations have opposed these reforms, a 2012 study found no evidence of differences in primary care physician earnings between states that provide NPs with full practice authority and those that maintain practice barriers.[viii] Since the literature on NPs finds no reason to be concerned with the quality of care provided by NPs and it should not impact Georgia’s physicians’ earnings, there is little to no reason for the state to continue to limit the care NPs can provide.
Reinstate Sales Tax Exemption for Charity Clinics
Many healthcare providers are exempt from the payment of Georgia’s sales and use tax, including licensed nonprofit in-patient general hospitals, mental hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices.[ix] From 2008 to 2010, Georgia’s volunteer health clinics were also exempt from Georgia sales tax on medical and office supplies and other purchases.[x]
Given the amount and quality of care charity clinics deliver and the savings this care provides to the state, Georgia should reinstate the sales tax exemption to provide the clinics with more resources to serve individuals in need of care.
Replace the Lost Federal DSH Funds with State Dollars
Many hospitals have expressed concern about the upcoming loss of DSH funds. In 2016, Georgia hospitals will lose an estimated $26 million in federal funds for uncompensated care. The federal funding loss increases to $40 million in 2017 and $111 million in 2018.[xi]
DSH funds are an important source of revenue for many of the state’s hospitals, and the federal reduction could cause some of the hospitals to cut services or completely close. To support this essential component of the state’s safety-net, the state should replace the lost federal funding. Since implementing the above recommendations to support the state’s charity clinics and other state and federal health policies could reduce the amount of uncompensated care provided by hospitals, the state may not need to replace the full amount of lost federal funding. Thus, the state should work with hospitals to identify the amount of uncompensated care they provide and to calculate the amount of state funding needed for hospitals to maintain services.
[i] Georgia Charitable Care Network, “Partners in Georgia’s Safety Net.”
[ii] John Sparks, “Stabilizing the Healthcare Safety Net: A Partnership with Free and Charitable Clinics,” Georgia Charitable Care Network, Presentation to Georgia General Assembly Joint Study Committee on Medicaid Reform, November 18, 2013, video of testimony found at
[iii] GCO interview with Donna Lopper, Georgia Charitable Care Network, December 9, 2013.
[vi] GCO interview with Jeffrey Kesler, Georgia Partnership for Telehealth, March 13, 2014.
[xi] Georgia Hospital Association, Hospitals 101, 28.
by Georgia Center for Opportunity | Jul 22, 2014
This is the fifth entry in a series of posts highlighting GCO’s new report – Increasing Access to Quality Healthcare for Low-Income Uninsured Georgians. The first entry provided an overview of the report, the second looked at Georgia’s healthcare safety net, the third explained the impact of uninsurance, and the fourth focused on Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act.
Georgia faces many challenges and barriers to expanding access to quality healthcare for low-income uninsured individuals, particularly for those in the Medicaid expansion coverage gap.
State Fiscal Constraints
Preliminary estimates projected that providing Medicaid to newly eligible adults through the expansion would cost the state approximately $2.1 billion from 2014 to 2023. Since the federal government covers 100 percent of the cost for the first three years and then slowly reduces its contribution until it is set at 90 percent in 2020, expansion is projected to first cost the state about $120 million in 2017. In 2023, the final year of the projection, state costs will have risen to almost $406 million.[i]
Governor Deal and other state leaders maintain that the state cannot afford Medicaid expansion and have expressed serious concerns that the federal government will be unable to live up to its obligations under Medicaid expansion. Therefore, any policy or program that would improve access to healthcare for low-income uninsured Georgians must cost significantly less than Medicaid expansion and must rely upon state-based sources of funding.
Physician Shortage
Georgia ranked 41st in the country in active physicians and 44th in primary care physicians per capita in 2010.[ii] According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, almost 2 million Georgians live in a “Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Area,” meaning there are a low number of primary health professionals relative to the population.[iii] In 2010, 31 of Georgia’s 159 counties did not have an internal medicine physician; 63 did not have a pediatrician; 79 did not have an OB/GYN; and 66 did not have a general surgeon.[iv]
Georgia’s Fiscal Year 2015 budget allocates $2 million in additional funds to develop new graduate medical education programs to train residents.[v] While an important step, the state must continue to pursue efforts to address its shortage of primary care providers. Without more providers, many Georgians may not have access to primary care, even if they have health insurance coverage.
Limits to Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice
Nurse practitioners (NPs) are an important provider of primary care across the country. In many states, NPs evaluate and diagnose patients, order and interpret diagnostic tests, and initiate and manage treatments. A literature review by the National Governor’s Association found that most studies show that NPs provide comparable care to physicians and achieve equal or higher satisfaction rates among their patients. The review did not find any studies that raised concerns about the quality of care offered by NPs.[vi]
Georgia’s laws and regulations for NPs are more restrictive than almost any other state. A 2007 study ranked Georgia’s NP regulations 48th in the country because the state’s NP limitations affect patients’ freedom to choose providers and NPs ability to provide primary care.[vii] Georgia’s restrictions include requiring NPs to be supervised by a physician and to have a collaborative agreement with a physician or a physician’s supervisor/delegation in order to prescribe drugs. These limitations do not exist in over one-third of states.[viii]
Fiscal Challenges of Safety-net Hospitals
Hospitals that serve a large number of Medicaid and low-income uninsured patients receive state and federally funded supplemental payments from state Medicaid programs. Called disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments, the funding offsets the disadvantaged financial situation of hospitals that provide large amounts of uncompensated care to uninsured individuals and serve a substantial number of patients in the relatively low-paying Medicaid program.[ix]
The ACA was expected to reduce the number of uninsured individuals and, therefore, reduce hospital uncompensated care costs. This would create less need for DSH payments. Thus, the ACA required annual aggregate reductions in federal DSH funding from FY 2014 through FY 2020.
In 2011, almost 40 percent of Georgia hospitals lost money. Rural hospitals are in an even worse financial situation as 55 percent had negative total margins.[x] Given their financial struggles, Georgia hospitals have expressed concern regarding the DSH reduction. Since Georgia does not plan to expand Medicaid, the reduction in DSH payments would not be offset by an increase in revenue through having more patients being covered by Medicaid. Thus, the hospitals are likely to receive less funding, while the demand for uncompensated care is expected to persist.
[i] Georgia Department of Community Health, “Preliminary Estimate on the Impact of Federal Health Care Reform on the Georgia’s Medicaid and PeachCare Program,” Handout, April 2012.
[v] Governor Nathan Deal, Office of the Governor, “Deal: Budget includes half a billion dollars in k-12 education,” Press Release, April 28, 2014, accessed May 23, 2014,
by Georgia Center for Opportunity | Jul 18, 2014
This is the fourth entry in a series of posts highlighting GCO’s new report – Increasing Access to Quality Healthcare for Low-Income Uninsured Georgians. The first entry provided an overview of the report, the second looked at Georgia’s healthcare safety net, and the third explained the impact of uninsurance.
Medicaid is the country’s main public health insurance program for low-income families and individuals, including children, parents, pregnant women, seniors, and people with disabilities. A joint federal/state program, the federal government sets mandatory eligibility groups and general guidelines for benefits, while states establish individual eligibility criteria within federal standards.
The Georgia Department of Community Health projects that over 1.8 million Georgians will enroll in Medicaid and PeachCare in 2014 – 18.56 percent of the state population. The Department estimates that the state will spend $2.85 billion on these programs – 15.57 percent of state revenue. The federal government will cover the remaining $6.65 billion for a total expenditure of $9.5 billion. [i]
In 2010, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Affordable Care Act or ACA). The expansion of Medicaid eligibility to all nonelderly adults who make up to 138 percent of FPL is a major component of the law. In 2012, the Supreme Court found the ACA’s Medicaid expansion to be unconstitutionally coercive of states. As a result of the ruling, expanding Medicaid is now optional for states.
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal and the General Assembly have chosen not to expand Medicaid because of the cost to the state and unsustainability of the federal contribution.
An estimated 534,000 uninsured adults in Georgia making less than 100 percent of the federal poverty level fall in the expansion “coverage gap.” These uninsured individuals would be newly eligible for Medicaid under the expansion but will likely continue to have limited access to affordable health coverage without a change in the state’s expansion decision or other health policy changes. [ii]
GCO’s new healthcare access report focuses on identifying sustainable solutions to improve healthcare for these individuals.
[i] Clyde L. Reese III and Jerry Dubberly, “Georgia Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids,” Georgia Department of Community Health, Presentation to Georgia General Assembly Joint Study Committee on Medicaid Reform, August 28, 2013, 11, 33,
[ii] Genevieve M. Kenney et al., “Opting in to the Medicaid Expansion under the ACA: Who Are the Uninsured Adults Who Could Gain Health Insurance Coverage?,” Timely Analysis of Immediate Health Policy Issues, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Urban Institute, August 2012, 18,
by Georgia Center for Opportunity | Jul 16, 2014
This is the third entry in a series of posts highlighting GCO’s new report – Increasing Access to Quality Healthcare for Low-Income Uninsured Georgians. The first entry provided an overview of the report and the second entry looked at Georgia’s healthcare safety net.
The lack of access to affordable care contributes to many individuals going without important services. Uninsured individuals in Georgia are nearly four times less likely than the insured to have had a routine check-up in the past two years[i] and are more likely to experience avoidable hospitalizations for conditions such as pneumonia, diabetes, and asthma.[ii] In 2011, 36 percent of low-income adults in Georgia reported that they went without care because of cost in the past year. Only two states had a higher percentage of individuals going without care.[iii]
Uninsured individuals are financially costly for taxpayers and the insured as well. In 2013, uninsured individuals across the country spent an estimated $25.8 billion out-of-pocket on medical care and received between $74.9 billion and $84.9 billion in uncompensated care. About 60 percent of the uncompensated care spending was provided by hospitals, 26.4 percent by publicly supported community providers, and 14 percent by office-based physicians who provided in-kind services or charity care.[iv]
Providers also attempt to recover their losses from providing uncompensated care to uninsured patients and those covered by government programs that pay below cost, such as Medicare and Medicaid, by increasing charges for those with private insurance. The higher prices charged to private insurance are passed on to families and business through higher premiums.
Estimates vary on how much cost shifting occurs. One study estimates that cost shifting through increased premiums and other similar strategies accounts for about 2.4 percent of private health insurance costs,[v] while another study estimates that uncompensated care cost shifting makes up 7.7 percent of private insurance costs.[vi] If the higher estimates are accurate, the uninsured population is costing the average Georgia individual $330 and the average family $900 per year in higher premiums.[vii]
[i] Patricia Ketsche et al., The Uninsured in Georgia, Georgia Health Policy Center, Issue Brief, November 2008,
[ii] John O’Looney, Louis Kudon, interand Glenn M. Landers, Avoidable Hospitalizations in Georgia: An Analysis of the Potential for Strategic Action, Georgia Health Policy Center, January 2005,
[iv] Teresa A. Coughlin et al., “An Estimated $84.9 Billion In Uncompensated Care Was Provided In 2013; ACA Payment Cuts Could Challenge Providers,” Health Affairs 33 (2014): 810,
[v] Coughlin et al., “An Estimated $84.9 Billion In Uncompensated Care,” 812.