Tony Kitchens

Tony Kitchens

Reentry has long been the sole focus of the prison system. However reintegration is a more wholistic community-based process that involves a citizen transitioning from an antisocial member of society into an individual who controls and directs their own lives.

From prisoner to influencer: Tony’s story

From prisoner to influencer: Tony’s story

The day that Tony Kitchens was released from prison in 1985, he did an unusual thing: He got down on the ground and created a fake “snow angel” on the grass. “I was elated, but nervous. Free, but I didn’t know anything. The sun was very bright. Red was very red, green...
Breakthrough – Prison To Opportunity

Breakthrough – Prison To Opportunity

WHAT IS BREAKTHROUGH? Breakthrough is about community and our civil response to the needs around us. The challenges we face in our communities are multi-dimensional and pose threats not just to individual wellbeing, but also to continued economic growth, opportunity,...