The Reasons Behind Witnesses Being Hesitant to Communicate with Law Enforcement Following a Crime.

The Reasons Behind Witnesses Being Hesitant to Communicate with Law Enforcement Following a Crime.

In The News

The Reasons Behind Witnesses Being Hesitant to Communicate with Law Enforcement Following a Crime.

In March, the Department of Justice released a report outlining examples of discrimination by LMPD in some arrest cases.

LMPD is asking for tips from the public to help solve crimes, including a recent mass shooting in Chickasaw Park that left two dead. However, some people may be reluctant to come forward if they don’t feel they will benefit from law enforcement or if they don’t have confidence in the police. The Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at the Georgia Center for Opportunity, Josh Crawford, explained that communities want more law enforcement to keep them safe, but they may not feel that police can do their jobs reliably or fairly based on past interactions. Building trust between police and communities is crucial for making neighborhoods safer.

The Reasons Behind Witnesses Being Hesitant to Communicate with Law Enforcement Following a Crime.

Why Some Witnesses are Reluctant to Talk to Police After Crime

In The News

Why Some Witnesses are Reluctant to Talk to Police After Crime

There are unsolved murders and crimes across the city, and in some cases lots of witnesses, but few tips.

Almost two weeks ago, six people were shot in Chickasaw Park with two of them dying. Hundreds of people were in the park, but police have been begging for tips.

This week, LMPD asked the public again for any evidence that could help them get justice for the victims of the Chickasaw Park mass shooting.

“If individuals are not getting the benefit of law enforcement. If the homicides that take place there, if the shootings that take place there go unsolved, then they’re not going to have confidence law enforcement can protect them,” the Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at the Georgia Center for Opportunity Josh Crawford said.

The Reasons Behind Witnesses Being Hesitant to Communicate with Law Enforcement Following a Crime.

State Spotlight: Fighting for Students’ Futures in Georgia

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State Spotlight: Fighting for Students’ Futures in Georgia

What is it like when your child’s school is failing them? For Georgia mother Tanya Schlegel, it was heartbreaking. Her son “would routinely come home from school with tears in his eyes, saying the school wasn’t treating him fairly. I discovered they were not implementing his Individualized Education Plan as written but were putting pressure on my son to perform outside of the accommodations that were agreed upon. It caused a lot of meltdowns and angst. The situation eventually became so severe that he began self-harm. That progression broke my heart because he is a good kid. He’s not aggressive. He’s not violent. But the pressures the school system put on him caused him to hurt himself.”

Tanya felt stuck. Her son and daughter both have special needs and require extra attention and resources that their school can’t provide. Tanya and her husband also can’t afford to move to an area with better schools or pay for their children to go to better equipped (but expensive) private schools.

Tanya’s story isn’t unique in Georgia. Families all across the state—and especially in rural areas—are stuck in schools that don’t provide the education their students need, but there’s no alternative available.

This is why the Georgia Center for Opportunity launched their campaign to champion school choice programs for Georgia families.

During the 2022 legislative session, there were several bipartisan bills introduced to increase school choice opportunities in Georgia. Two of the most significant bills (HB 999 and SB 601) would have created Educational Savings Accounts called “promise scholarships.” These promise scholarships would have offered Georgia families up to $6,000 a year for approved education expenses. As GCO’s Vice President of Public Policy, Buzz Brockway explains, “Promise Scholarships would step far beyond a typical voucher by fully putting parents in the driver’s seat when it comes to their child’s education. The funds could [be] used for private-school tuition, but there would [be] added flexibility depending on each family’s unique needs, extending to paying for things like tutoring, specialized therapies, or homeschool co-ops.”

For families like Tanya’s, promise scholarships would be a lifeline. She explained “Promise Scholarships would provide the type of resources to ensure that our children are not left behind.”

The Reasons Behind Witnesses Being Hesitant to Communicate with Law Enforcement Following a Crime.

Looking at some of the causes, solutions to Louisville’s violence problem

In The News

Looking at some of the causes, solutions to Louisville’s violence problem

As Louisville tries to get into the thunder and Derby spirit, violence hangs over the metro.

We’ve heard from both sides of the political aisles about how to stop the bloodshed.

Tonight the Jefferson County GOP heard some interesting thoughts in a presentation about the violence in Louisville and how it could be stopped. It might’ve been a meeting of Republicans, but it was hardly political. 

Last week’s violence grabbed headlines, but it’s really a problem that’s been going on for years.

“All four of our deadliest years ever have been since 2016,” said Josh Crawford from the Center of Opportunity.

Josh Crawford is the Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives at the Center of Opportunity and he spoke to the crowd the cause of violence and how to combat it.

“One of the things that has gotten a lot of attention recently especially in the wake of the shootings in Chickasaw, there is insufficient protections locally for witnesses,” Crawford said.

It was group of people trying to learn about what’s going on in their city and how they can help.


Navigating the current economic crisis: A guide to surviving the job market

Navigating the current economic crisis: A guide to surviving the job market

Navigating the current economic crisis: A guide to surviving the job market

Key Points

  • As of March 2023, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a nationwide unemployment rate of 3.5%.
  • Well-known companies are conducting large-scale layoffs—in some cases, laying off tens of thousands of employees. 
  • The BETTER WORK program can help you take the next steps in your career to secure a better job, whether you’ve been laid off or you’re simply looking to move to the next level.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the global economy, leading towidespread job losses and an uncertain future for many workers. As we continue tonavigate the economic crisis, it is important to understand the current state of the jobmarket in Georgia and strategies for finding and securing employment.

Times may be turbulent, but with the right mix of strategy, action, and support, it’s possible to find and keep gainful employment.

The state of the job market

The current economic crisis has impacted the job market in a number of ways, causing several industries to contract. Layoffs have been widespread across multiple markets. As of March 2023, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a nationwide unemployment rate of 3.5%. But with many companies announcing widespread layoffs, that number could potentially increase in the coming months.

Since January 2023, the tech industry has been hit hard by layoffs in a number of companies. The impact extended to household-name brands such as Meta, Google, Microsoft, Zoom, Netflix, Salesforce, and many others. Beyond tech, other well-known companies are conducting large-scale layoffs—in some cases, laying off tens of thousands of employees. Disney just announced 7,000 coming layoffs, while Amazon is cutting 9,000 more jobs in addition to the 18,000 jobs it cut in early 2023. Companies such as Goldman Sachs, H&M, Walmart, McDonald’s, Tyson Foods, NPR, and many others are also letting staffers go, in some cases by the thousands. 

Ultimately, white-collar workers are most likely to face layoffs as the impending recession looms. Most blue-collar jobs are still hiring, though, so workers in those sectors may fare better.

Strategies for finding employment

Having a support system to come alongside you and help with your job search is invaluable. The BETTER WORK program can help you take the next steps in your career to secure a better job, whether you’ve been laid off or you’re simply looking to move to the next level. If you’re in the Gwinnett or Columbus areas, we’re ready to help! Learn more about BETTER WORK here.

Regardless of whether you face layoffs or not, it’s important to get prepared for the possibility of a job hunt. It’s far better to update your resume and refresh your network connections now, rather than waiting until it’s too late. Here are a few things you can do to boost your chances for landing new employment, should the need arise.

1. Assess your skills and experience: What skills and experience have you acquired over the years? What about transferable skills? Make an exhaustive list of your professional experience and transferable skills up to this point. After that, consider listing out what skills you might like to acquire in the future.

2. Identify in-demand jobs and industries: If you need to launch a job search, you’ll want to start with industries that are actively hiring. You can research specific industries on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, but it’s also useful to check the pulse of the market by running searches on Google and staying up to speed on LinkedIn.

3. Network and leverage personal connections: It’s always important to meet new professional connections and keep in touch with existing ones, but now it’s more important than ever. Reconnect with professional connections and leverage your network to find new opportunities you might not come across otherwise. If you don’t yet have an account on LinkedIn, go ahead and get set up there, too. It’s a great place to showcase your skills, follow companies you’re interested in, apply for jobs, and keep in touch with professional peers.

4. Utilize online job boards and resources: There are plenty of fantastic resources online that you can use to find and apply for great jobs. Sites like CareerBuilder, Monster,, Indeed, and FlexJobs are useful for finding strong opportunities. You can also apply directly to jobs you’re interested in through company websites.

“Having a support system to come alongside you and help with your job search is invaluable.”

“Having a support system to come alongside you and help with your job search is invaluable.”

Moving forward in the job market

Regardless of whether you’re currently job searching or preparing to do so in the future, it’s important to understand how to move forward in the job market. It’s also important to note that, according to Atta Tarki’s report in the Harvard Business Review, it’s “still a workers’ labor market.” That means, for many job seekers, the power is still in your hands. 

Don’t lose heart if you find yourself searching for new work in the near future. Embrace new opportunities and industries, cultivate and identify transferable skills, and get ready to pivot quickly if needed. Stay flexible and adaptable to changing market conditions, and plan for the future. When you remain open to new possibilities, you’ll have that much more control over your career trajectory.