Thank you for helping us reach our goal and increasing our impact!
Thank you to the generous donors who helped us reach our most recent fundraising goal of $87,000, unlocking an additional $87,000 in matching funds to support Georgia Center for Opportunity. These funds are already being used to promote success in the areas of employment, family stability, and education – the three key areas that dramatically increase the odds an individual will a flourishing life.
You’re helping to remove barriers to opportunity and changing the lives of individuals and families throughout the state by giving them the tools and resources they need to succeed. Your investment in GCO helps students access the education that meets their needs, helps individuals find and maintain employment, and helps strengthen families and marriages.
When we’re successful, fewer Georgians will be living in a condition of dependence, a higher percentage will be enjoying earned success and the fruits of their labor, more children will be ready for college and a career, and more families will have the economic and relational resources to thrive.
We look forward your continued partnership. You can stay informed on the impact of your gifts by subscribing to GCO email updates and following us on Facebook.