State Unemployment Rate Stands At a Record Low of 3.2%,

Unemployment rate stands at a record low of 3.2%
On Friday, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released state employment numbers for Georgia. They show that our state unemployment rate stands at a record low of 3.2%, the lowest since the BLS began tracking in 1976.
The Georgia Center for Opportunity’s (GCO) take: “Georgia’s unemployment rate should be cause for celebration. Our state ranks 15th in the nation on this metric,” said Erik Randolph, GCO’s director of research. “On the less positive side, Georgia continues to have a labor force participation problem. Our labor force participation rate is only 61.9%, and we know that for 2021, there were around 250,000 men between the ages of 25 and 54 (the prime working years) who were absent from the labor force. That’s a staggering 12.3% of the 25-54 male population. Policymakers in Georgia must work harder to integrate our state’s workforce services with safety-net programs to encourage participation in the labor force. We also must remove barriers to entrepreneurship and allow businesses and start-ups to be unleashed, helping to reduce inflation and employ more people.” For more, read Randolph’s research report on the economic impact of the pandemic shutdowns.