Healthy Relationship Education is a “Win-Win” for the Family and Community
The Healthy Families Initiative kicked off earlier this year with the purpose of providing tools to couples and individuals in order to encourage healthy relationships. Over the past few months, as part of the Healthy Families Initiative, well-known relationship...
Junior G.I. Scholarship: HOO- RAH!
As a military brat sacrifice was my middle name. My siblings and I spent many family events, recitals, school plays, family dinners and holidays without my dad. We became exceptionally good at packing up our lives every couple of years and starting over in a new...
If You Believe Families Need Help and You Pray, Please Pray for This
I may be dating myself, but there used to be a radio show that I enjoyed entitled “Calling all Cars.” The title of the show was based on a saying used in the show that was merely an order given to all available units that there was something wrong – like a crime in...
Dancing A New Step in Education
The new year has begun, which means writing resolutions, reorganizing the closets, forced time in the gym and change. For many Georgia parents, the new year brings hope for the passage of Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) and expansion of meaningful education choice....
Yule log, Stockings, Santa Claus: What Role do Holiday Traditions Play?
With the Christmas season upon us, we find ourselves spending more time with family and reminiscing about holiday traditions we started as children. Today there is sufficient evidence to show these traditions play a positive role in families and will have a lasting...
The Economy: What’s Love Got to Do With It? Turns Out, a Whole Lot!
Earlier this month, GCO hosted a lunch and learn with Dr. Brad Wilcox, one of the nation’s leading sociologists. Dr. Wilcox has devoted his work to understanding family formation and the effect it has on our social structure and economy. His new report, “Strong...
A State Founded on Opportunity
I hope you will take a few minutes to watch the video below and learn more about Georgia's founding and how it relates to our work at Georgia Center for Opportunity. General James Edward Oglethorpe and the original Colonial Trustees founded the colony of Georgia with...
A Lesson in ESAs
Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) have dominated the school choice policy conversations as of late. However, many people are still unsure what ESAs truly offer, and some of the terminology can be confusing. ESAs are similar to an Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)...
Protecting Students and Taxpayers in Education
In the late 19th century, Hawaiian sugar farmers struggled to prevent rats from eating their crop. Farmers introduced the Indian Mongoose to the islands to save the harvest. Unfortunately, mongoose are active during the day, while rats are nocturnal. The mongoose did...
2015 Georgia NAEP Scores Show Room for Improvement
While commonly referred to as the “Nation’s Report Card,” the National Assessment of Educational Progress or “NAEP” assesses student knowledge in “math, reading, and other subjects” and has been “viewed as a credible national measure of academic progress.” Last week’s...