Help us bring hope and opportunity to our communities.


Communities first

Government’s role should never be to break communities down. Its existence should make community and opportunity possible and stronger than ever.

Your tax-deductible gift will expand poverty solutions that prioritize the needs of families and communities over protecting broken systems and failed approaches. 

Together, we can put the focus of government systems and civil society back where it should be—on creating better opportunities for safety, work, education, and healthy relationships close to home. 

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Communities first

Government’s role should never be to break communities down. Its existence should make community and opportunity possible and stronger than ever.

Your tax-deductible gift will expand poverty solutions that prioritize the needs of families and communities over protecting broken systems and failed approaches. 

Together, we can put the focus of government systems and civil society back where it should be—on creating better opportunities for safety, work, education, and healthy relationships close to home. 



We are giving local leaders solutions to reduce crime that restore safe community environments that invite more job and economic growth.

Educating and empowering parents

Through innovative programs we are giving communities, especially school leaders, a way to band together and offer a different path for parents and at-risk kids. 


By making employment a community & policy priority, we are fixing the system and charting a path forward for communities.

Shaping federal policy

We are advancing the One Door policy so that states can put real humans and their holistic needs back at the heart of our safety net

Download Fortifying Pathways

Download Fortifying Pathways

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DownloadGeorgia School Choice Handbook

DownloadGeorgia School Choice Handbook

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Deep Red Valleys Report

Deep Red Valleys Report

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Georgia's Welfare System Reference Guide

Georgia's Welfare System Reference Guide

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An Alternative To Incarceration

An Alternative To Incarceration

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A High Price To Pay

A High Price To Pay

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Increasing Employment Opportunities For Ex-Offenders

Increasing Employment Opportunities For Ex-Offenders

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Prisoner Reentry | The State of Corrections

Prisoner Reentry | The State of Corrections

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Prisoner Reentry

Prisoner Reentry

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Increasing Access to Quality Healthcare for Low-Income Uninsured Georgians

Increasing Access to Quality Healthcare for Low-Income Uninsured Georgians

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Disincentives for Work and Marriage in Georgia's Welfare System White Paper

Disincentives for Work and Marriage in Georgia's Welfare System White Paper

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Disincentives for Work and Marriage in Georgia's Welfare SystemExecutive Summary

Disincentives for Work and Marriage in Georgia's Welfare SystemExecutive Summary

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